Tim Barrus Blog
Tim Barrus, New York Times
Take notes. What I see is a media that is conveniently ignoring one big thing. The American people did this. They want this. They are this. The talking heads were wrong. Optimism is another lie. Hope is not available. It never has been. The Lower Middle Class gets its name…
Tim Barrus, New York Times
Take notes. Adolf Hitler was elected, too. I have been screaming for years that it is us and we are it. Take a good look into the mirror, America. Unless you can get away with putting Republican children in cages, you’re toast. There will be more whining and weeping. Too…
On Fighting Back
Take notes. Trump wants to burn the constitution. He will write the new constitution. He already has. What I want to know is where are the tens of thousands of other people who have sworn to protect the constitution. Trump took this oath to protect. And so did every member…
Tim Barrus, New York Times
Take notes. I had to make a judgement call. I got my family out of North America. My decision was based in what the New York Times take is. In all the talk about vibes, the publication has one, too. It’s dark. It’s fearful. It’s nervous. If it wasn’t, something…
Tim Barrus, New York Times
Take notes. This article is frenetic. That is not a criticism. Publishing is frenetic. The Leapfrogging Around Effect, from this and that, trading office space, is reflecting a publishing story where publishing insiders hop and skip around publication to publication. Job to job. Money is important, but it’s rude so…
Shawn Mendes
Take notes. People demand to know if Shawn is gay. These are the people who will make him pay for it. His fan base is mainly composed of fifteen-year-old girls. There’s a lot of anecdotals attached to Shawn. I hear a lot of: No One Cares If He’s Gay. That…
Tim Barrus: Year of the Hyena
Tim Barrus: Year of the Hyena
A Division Laid Bare
Take notes. The graphic implies a civil war. It’s in your face. The image works, but not alongside the writing of this particular article. Soltis-Anderson is kinda perky, and very informed. The juxtaposition of the flag, with its message that we are undone, is a whole world away from the…
It’s About the Purse
Other People Took the Same Oath
Take notes. All flights (to anywhere) on November 6 are filling fast. I have already got my family out. The trick is to know when to get out of Dodge. The American people simply do not believe Trump will do what he has pledged to do. The threat to execute…