Tim Barrus Blog
U Win U Lose It Happens Even 2U
Shirtless. Your tits rubbed raw by a relentless wind. And I will run over any snake in these woods on this old road that gets in the jesus way of my dirt bike. I do not look back. They say the snakes are good snakes because they mainly eat mice.…
An Open Letter to Sona Patel
An Open Letter to Sona Patel, Director, Community, New York Times
Thank you for allowing me to comment at NYT. Comments done right are hot. This is, too, exactly the kind of comment I am apt to make in the comment section of the New York Times. I confuse your…
gasp it’s an outrage
The New York Times has a gig on comments. I responded.
I am a communist. I get kicked off comments a lot. Then, I’m back, and then I’m off. The way the wind is blowing can imbue comments with immediacy. I am a hypocrite. Comments are the only choir I…
In Sleep Like Snow Times Ten
Save the image of the creature, and there was the bike.
We Were Always Reading Even If We Did Not Know We Were Reading, We Were Reading
It Was About the Airplane
I remember Being Four. The voices only returned when the stress level was so toxic, you were never sure you could live through it. He wanted to kill you. He had made that very clear. I was not going to make it easy for him. If it meant we had…
your private truth in the still air frost of a shrouded head
sleeping swift in cups and all the brothers, too
Tim Barrus Art
Tim Barrus Art