Tim Barrus Blog
The Wolves Are at the Door
Tim Barrus: New York Times I deal with adolescent boys who live with HIV. Many have had upfront experience with the foster care system. Food was scarce on a good day. They dumpster dive. Snap itself was built around the fact that kids could get some food in school. There…
Take-Out Only
the families on my street have started burning wood again we all knew that someday it would all come tumbling down all around us and then it did/ like this arthritis in my hands will grind you down to bone and dust/ waiting to eat the stones waiting to eat…
The Inequality of Dreams
As someone who deals with foster children and the foster care system, I note anecdotally, that African-American adolescents do not always articulate that they share many of the dreams that white boys in particular conceptualize seeing themselves as people who can grasp the dream (even when the evidence to the…
Some Photographs Pull Me In
Even in some of my older photographs, if I look at them, they grab me – again – roughly, and I’m back again. With them. With them. https://timbarrus.tumblr.com
Free 4 Republicans
Mon amour est photographe…
There’s Always a Dialogue Behind Those Eyes
Fishing Distancing
Like. Totally. Staged. https://timbarrus.tumblr.com
There Is Hunger In America
Americans want to pretend that there is no such thing as hunger in America. There is hunger in America. Not quite a skeleton. Take his shirt off. You’ll see it. It will be in your face. He will not talk to you about it. Watch him eat. Watch him eat.
already patching memories
like a roof that leaks fixed with duck tape and bones spinning and dripping and waiting for the test results/