Tim Barrus Blog
Tricks and Trees
walking through the hemlock night what hangs by threads and the in between/ tailworn more dead than alive doUgotit doUgotit doUgotit/// the hinges and the drop dead year the night had arms and the trees of fear scratched chicken claw scratches on the scrabble ground gathers up the glasses of… -
Forest Fires and Hurricanes
No one believes we were in a forest fire. How can it matter if you believe me or don’t believe me. In all these years, no one has answered this question. No one. This is POETRY. Because I say it is/// We were going to hit the road anyway. It… -
I Feel It In My Bones
you would be sullen but for soliciting your winter and my winter it’s that one moment just before you turn the key all is lost all is decimated and the vehicle cannot possibly work and then it does not unlike the way you sulk in sullen eminent domain grab your… -
Hangs Out At The Edges
how we doubt is traitorous to our second selves for silence the memory is lost how noble in reason how infinite in the backseat of a 1966 Mustang convertible
They Don’t Get What At-Risk Really Means
CUTE SHOES bleak is when there UR on camera no shit and you thought that was ancient history there is no such fucking thing this is why adults suck dick http://tim-barrus.format.com/ -
wedded 2 a current
a swallowing of assent both apprehended and embraced heretical and exact they were not expecting the heretical part
He Knew
intuition actually is a form of consciousness one apprehended in the agreement we all have made to define madness over here and some less painful insurrection to affirm what it already knows over here/ opinions and the swallowing
Say no 2 Medical Intervention: New York Times
http://www.nytimes.com/2017/06/26/upshot/the-abcs-and-ds-of-whether-to-get-prostate-cancer-screening.html?comments#permid=28928794 NYT Whenever I have written about this, not withstanding geography which is irrelevant, I am always denounced as “not being helpful” but it is not my job to be helpful. I am simply presenting another POV. One that is never allowed to be articulated in any kind of forum…
I Can Detect Earthquakes
i told you the day we would be obliged 2 leave that town was inevitable and there was always this thing roaring down to florida i’ve done it on a bike and your guts turn inside out because it is so fucking hard with florida let alone without it that…
A Guy in the Squat called the Cops
The guy who called the cops had a gun and started shooting it inside the squat. Crazies are the pageantry of nobody’s home. I hope the cops busted his white ass. We were gone by then. Vagrancy is an able seaman.