Tim Barrus Blog
Tim Barrus: the New York Times
http://www.nytimes.com/2019/02/10/us/politics/trump-border-wall.html?comments#permid=30560876 We are in a war between the States. There is nothing civil about it. It will get bloody. It always does. In the beginning, it was a culture war. The children of immigrants have been the first casualties. They will not be the last. The troops are moving into… -
I been voted to be the one who would write this about our little film WHEN DEATH IS BEST. I am not a writer. Writing sucks. I can barely spell. But I know stuff about HIV you do not know. HIV is a bitch to live with because you have… -
Tim Barrus: New York Times
http://www.nytimes.com/2019/02/05/opinion/state-of-the-union-trump.html?comments#permid=30490843 We have cut off our own balls and have presented them steaming and kneeling before our master on our knees and on our knees. You cannot make government yourself. You cannot remake it yourself. Not when absolute power is in your face. I have suggested to people that a… -
What Light At The End Of What Tunnel
It is the light at the end of the HIV tunnel that is an illusion. -
Tim Barrus: the New York Times
I’ve gone deeper than you can know. I feel secure enough about it to let some of it slip out into your universe of hate and complicity. So deeply off the grid, I want you to know it can still be done. It’s cold out there. In a world where… -
Quick Clip From When Death Is Best
This is our interpretation of what it feels like for a survivor of sexual assault to be repeatedly examined. -
VideoArt: BackgroundForegroundSpacesInBetween.
Tim Barrus: New York Times
https://www.nytimes.com/2019/01/27/us/politics/shutdown-congress-trump-wall.html?comments#permid=30359805 I cannot shut my family down. Families just don’t work that way. And yet we begin again every day. I’m in bed smoking medical marijuana that we grow. Or I cannot stand. I am no good on the floor of the house of Usher. Breakfast is being cooked. I… -
Tim Barrus: The New York Times
Tim Barrus: The New York Times This was originally written in response to the NYT’s piece on gene editing. The two children who are now free from acquiring HIV are lucky. The rest of the world moans and groans. The rest of the world is shit. As I was writing… -
Video: The Whip Marks of Revenge
Never fall in love with a hustler. It’s a bad idea. https://tim-barrus.format.com/about