Tim Barrus Blog
Tim Barrus: The New York Times
Sometimes Kara seems like she might have lost her edge. Kushner is hopeful. I am not here to dish him. I’m just not hopeful. It seems like an easy intellectual out to me.
Tim Barrus: Interviews: I Did Not Say That
I Never Said Half The Shit Attributed To Me
1: You don’t even know me.
2. Who the Fuck Are You.
3. Don’t Answer That.
4. I Don’t Know You So Fuck Off
5. I Don’t Know What Any Books Mean. What Books. Go away.
6. Yes, I am a…
Tim Barrus: Some Creative Misfits Get It
Some odd creative types construct their own reality. Not too much gets through.
Tim Barrus: New York Times
I am a communist. I live in Appalachia. In this destitute, impoverished, addicted little hard-scrabble scratch on the planet, the homeless live in abandoned trailers, secret campsites, and in close proximity to dumpsters. It is harder for some of us – those of us with disabilities – to remain in…
Tim Barrus: Carry Your Helmet
The bike was my only transportation. When I was not on the bike, I carried my helmet. Pretty much everywhere. Often, my autism prevents me from understanding what you are talking about. Your way of seeing the world is not the world I know or see. I won’t know what…
Tim Barrus, New York Times
I am a communist. It’s the shunning that is deadly stuff. Example: Shame over HIV in a small community leads kinda fast to the forbidden, gay anal sex idea (run for your life) not unlike a photographic imprint wrapped around your head with a road map on your face. Just…
Tim Barrus: We Could Join the Circus
The crows were let loose upon you. Gone without a word. The shiney objects were the swords in your eyes.
Tim Barrus: Russians Are Not Human
I am a communist. Zelensky says flat out: Russians are not human at all. What kind of Homo sapiens rapes young boys. You don’t have to believe it. Those boys are now being shunned. You cannot erase what has happened. One way or the other, Ukraine will bleed them dry.…
Tim Barrus: Getting out of Dodge Is A Skill You Learn To Perfect Over Time The Exit Is That Way Getting Out Of Dodge Costs And Costs
Every now and then, you’ve got to spend time somewhere else. Get on the fucking bike and go. I’m sorry, but can I borrow your couch for the night. What are you talking about. I love teenagers.
I lied.
Euphoria. Touch my work softly with the dust from your warm…
I Could Not Find My Voice Or My Blog
You Have Blinded Me
This entire missive has been written on a phone. Kinda like as it happens because I simply cannot look people in the eye. I appear to be typing because I am writing a book and I know where all the ATMs are. If you haven’t ridden…