Tim Barrus Blog
Tim Barrus: Dirt Bike Town
Dirt Bike Town and jambalaya. So, in a voice, I became someone else. The afterlife of art as someone else’s lips. I am ambivalent that achievement is achievement. His tongue is in your mouth. No one is unique because no one can be. My answer to just about everything is…
Tim Barrus: Give Me The Daggers The Witchcraft Of Boys Seems Dead And Whose Dreams A Demon’s Face The Moon Is In Repose
Desire is another sleep’s oblivion.
Dirt Bike Town is in the South. South of the South. Jamaica, What The Fuck. It’s RiverWater. Don’t Touch It.
What does Dirt Bike Town do.
It snarls. It does have teeth. It’s the South. Three cheers for Crystal Meth and the cooks that bake the cakes. I stay away from that shit. It’s a headache. Hallucinogens make my day.
Tim Barrus: Public Health and Public Humiliation are synonymous.
This is my official medical reportage.
Public health wants to see the inside of your asshole. They want to rape you.They do not see themselves as abusers, but that is exactly who and what they are. Public health (as if they had nothing else to do) has conducted a set…
Tim Barrus: Defy Them Defy Them Defy Them
I am a communist. I defy death almost every day. It’s ordinary. I am an ordinary man. What is the almost about. Don’t soften it to make it prettier for them, Tim, than it is. I do not care if you like it pretty. I am an angry guy. Without…
Tim Barrus: Count the Silverware
The official White House painting of President Obama is missing. No one knows who committed this criminal plot…
Tim Barrus: Multiple Cameras
Did someone make it a rule that we can only use one camera on a shoot. Bullshit. I now have a lot of cameras. Sometimes just the GoPro because it fits so nicely in my pocket. You don’t want to look like traditional media. Lately, a GoPro and a Nikon…
Tim Barrus: Wikipedia is not Journalism
In its stupid take on Tim Barrus, Wikipedia quotes as it’s fundamental basis, “Someone who said.”
Are you serious. What someone who said.
Someone who said. And it must be true because someone said it.
Something went wrong.
They tell me that there is no analogy to the combination of ideas and place. This is misinformed. The entire lifetime of a virus that transcends barbed wire, concrete, Interstates, walls, trenches, boundaries, and the TSA. The life of a pandemic virus is a short one. Not…
Tim Barrus: What Is Place & Why Is It Important To What Writers Do & Where Writers Travel
Take place. Begin with how it smells. Recall other smells and selves. Paradise lost. Iowa dirt farmer roads. Sally’s bra on the line, alone in the wind. Riding mules in Appalachia. Riding the horses out into the fields to gather up and herd the cows back to the barn. You…