Tim Barrus Blog

  1. something hard about the eyes

    Tim Barrus Xray Photography

  2. Tim Barrus: Dirt Bike Country

    The idea of place has always been a concern for me because I place place about as high as you can go into the archives on the furious hunt for bad grammer. Place has to be higher on the list because whatever your story is, it takes place in a…

  3. Never Leave Your House Without a Camera

    Tim Barrus Art

  4. Republicans Are Scum

    Civil. War. Americans love to hide behind the word civil. I live in the deep south. Appalachia. It is not that bad a place to live out a life. But there is this problem with the past. It gives people like me – the disabled – flashpoint moments where we

  5. Tim Barrus: I Grow My Own Food

    I grow the food I eat. I linger over trout I caught that day. I can peaches, tomatoes, cucumbers, whatever grows as food around here. Bushel baskets of apples. Apple butter, goat milk, goat cheese, duck eggs, herbs, corn, potatoes, sweet potatoes, melons, pumpkins, black walnut bread, peach jam and

  6. She Can Defeat Him

    I was not going to vote. And I always vote. But, not this time. Nevertheless, if Kamala runs, I’m running with her. I’m voting because I want to see those two angry old eyes finally, Blink. I am not too good at enduring the MAGA onslaught. Another four years of…

  7. The Great American Novel: A Novel By Tim Barrus

    The Great American Novel, is itself, a novel. In this, I have set out to make stuff that would be about the beauty of it. I have attempted to put a lot of issues into a small, focused group, that many trees have shaken up. This Baby is for the…


    Republicans are progressive once a year at Christmas. When all the gifts have been opened, the big box (unopened), goes bang, and Trump pops out. With that business big man’s fist. Put it in a box and sell it. The true populist leader claims to represent the unified “will of

  9. Trump Is Coming For Your children

    Kamala Harris is ready to lead. The operant word is ready. Question: Will she take children away from their parents and incarcerate them in boot camps which you could call Boot Camps For Trump. Some kids are still there. What he did to those families changed me in fundamental ways.

  10. Tim Barrus, New York Times

    The New York Times does not in any way represent freedom or freedom of speech. Their modus operandi is censorship. They bemoan censorship when it comes to other people being censored. Then, they use it more deeply than any other paper in the world. As a writer who has published