Tim Barrus Blog
Tim Barrus: New York Times
Take notes. Thank you for one very well-written piece. I did think that the issue of violent rhetoric was glossed over. This happens in journalism when one is trying to sound somewhat objective in relationship to how political considerations enter into the focus of how big is this dragon. That… -
Mister Potato Head
I do not look back much. It has saved my ass. I wish book publishing would stop what with the reader has to meet the writer thing. I just don’t get it. Why can’t the reader identify that thing they have for delving into what happened during your divorce. I… -
Tim Barrus New York Times
Take notes. Grief, too, comes for everyone. I worked with adolescent boys who had HIV. Those were the days when nothing and no one was safe. Two thirds of them had lost one parent. Many had concomitant issues (various cancers). When someone from the group died, the boys insisted they… -
Tim Barrus: Let’s Get Rid of SCOTUS
Take notes. There are two Americas. The rich tribe. And the poor tribe. Nothing of significance in between. The senate is the rich guys. They never go down without a blood feud. The House of Representatives is also with the rich guys. They do go down regularly. The bottom is… -
Tim Barrus and the New York Times
Take notes. I get a lot of Reader Flack from readers that strenuously resent: “Why do you always have to deal with dead kids. It’s depressing us. Poor us.” I write about children I know. Having been in Special Education, I write about what I know. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. Multiple… -
Blue Ridge
The rich get richer. The poor get floods. -
Hurricane Helene
Take notes. It was Armageddon. I am still clawing out of it. Even as my neighbors are just beginning to deal with the trauma of losing everything. The tourists are pouring in. A steady stream of tourism – disaster porn – didn’t even flinch at another opportunity to see us… -
Take notes. The morality of losing everything (usually because someone talked) One of the recurrent themes here is organized crime. We have made the thing a little difficult for made guys in the mob to move among us. The mob has weathered bloody insurrections, federal convictions and undercover agents through… -
Tim Barrus: NC and the Pollsters
Take notes. I lie to polls. This is Appalachia. From this perspective, this piece nails North Carolina. The new NC, and the old NC. It’s difficult to get folks around here to slide into politics. It begins with a shrug. Then, we tiptoe around: I thought Trump was gonna… You’all…