Tim Barrus Blog

  1. The Meat Loaf Green Bean Whiskey Diner Over On Cedar Street

    Tim Barrus, New York Times I am afraid. I am scared. I am filled with anxiety and rage. I hide. I would pound my fists against the wall. I am still agitated. I understand how other people do not react like I do. I am paranoid. I am terrified. By

  2. Biden Protects Trump in RAPE Case

    The Biden administration is now protecting Trump from any consequences for raping women. I am so disgusted, I regret voting for Joe Biden, and I will never, ever vote for another schizophrenic politician for any office whatsoever. America pretends to be so committed to justice. Why bother voting at all…

  3. What Is Obligation

    Internal Dialogues. Voices. Where Is It Written That I Am Obligated To Tell You What Is Real. The road. Or the trip. Choose.

  4. whose enormous dread

    Commentaires. Des avis. Observations. Beaucoup de questions. Suceuse. Littérature. Le bord. Sur le fil du rasoir. mon point de vue comme enveloppé dans un roman. Un roman. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/06/07/opinion/spring-wildlife-rescue.html#commentsContainer&permid=113145951:113145951

  5. unravelled

    caught off guard/ she  

  6. Cow Dogs Rule

  7. I Can Save a Ton of Money If I Do All My Repairing Myself

    Dirt Bike People know this: Dirt Bikes all play a little differently. I once had a Honda that did not have a clutch. Didn’t need one. The electric dirt bikes are amazing. They can go without a recharge for about as long as anyone can ride in a day. The…

  8. And he can sit with us Poverty Big Boys at the table.

  9. Tim Barrus, New York Times

    Suits. Media friendships are convivial. Funny. Smart. Creative. Communicative. They smile. They’re now your buddy. Now, they go for the jugular. You (as subject) could go with no comment on any issue and I am sorry, but there are, indeed, writers who will put words in your mouth, rendering you

  10. What Experts

    Patton Park I See Divisions Tim Barrus 2021 Cinematheque Films GoPro