Tim Barrus Blog
Tim Barrus, New York Times
Ezra Klein is right. He just doesn’t know how right he is.
Now that he has a kid…
Ezra is usually focused on public policy. I cannot focus on public policy because it is a humanitarian nightmare. It serves the rich.
Who else.
Ezra and his Ezra clones find it…
When the Bars Close
the whole structure
whose monotonous
long sleeps thief
your bike was on
the front porch
What Threesome
What’s a threesome.
We did fish. Now and then. But it was about us. There was no us. It would never be allowed. The boat smelled hot with oak.
NYT Readers Respond
TomPennsylvania3h ago
@Tim Barrus I assume you substituted “Religion” for “Capitalism” in your ‘opium of the people’s paraphrasing of Marx.
Marx’s quote is “Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people.”…
Tim Barrus, New York Times
The Plot To Help America’s Children
Responding To Readers: New York Times
@Tom Yes. I took one thing and made it seem like another thing because it is. Capitalism is a religion. Not of sorts, but of ideology. I have been dirt poor my entire life. I find it almost…
Capitalism Is Killing our Children
Tim Barrus, The New York Times
Tim Barrus | North Carolina
Politicians say we’re lazy. They fervently believe we are out to impoverish them, rob them, grab their wealth and run. There is no Robinhood who is going to save us. No merry men. No Friar Tuck. But there is…
It’s About the Purse
hey kid i found your doll
first, they will starve you/ that knot in your gut never goes away/ then, they will lock your brother up for shoplifting/ food/ food so you could feed your belly with it food/ then, that bitch from social services keeps coming around and you threw rocks at her car but…