Tim Barrus Blog
Men Love Him
Tim Barrus Photography
If He Had Lived
It was a long time ago. I had been younger then. Andrew and I were in bed in a hotel not from Plaza Park. In the West, there was always a Plaza Park. It was the idea that Tristan was famous that burned my ass. He changed how I saw…
THEY CALLED IT FUCKING IN PAJAMAS Do not demand that I censor them. There was no fucking in pajamas or in anything else. It was a play that explored submission, dominance, and vulnerability. This is far, far more complex than fucking in pajamas. These are not innocent children. They will…
I have been taking photographs for sixty years. It’s a blur. During that time, some of the people I have taken pictures of have died. Car crashes. Suicide. AIDS. Cancer. Covid. Cardiac arrest. The list goes on. Some of the photographs of these people were taken while they were children.…
Now, Go
We told you this would happen. I am not allowed in any way whatsoever to articulate the word – Antifa – anywhere in the New York Times. My voice is always shut down, and shut down again. We told you this would happen. And now it’s happening while the status…
We Call Them Milky Boys
It means you were or are in the database. Andrew was not on a milk carton. But he is in the database. What about a kid who is missing but is missing for a reason. What about the kid who is missing and wants to stay missing. Because he understands…
It Is Time To Be Uncivil
Murder by cop. The major load of Covid. No justice. High unemployment. Essential jobs. On. And. On. And. On. What else are we going to demand from the most vulnerable. A step back into the horrific past? What. We have already stepped back into the horrific past. Antifa is. We…
Tim Barrus New York Times
I work with adolescent boys who have HIV. Psychiatric intervention is not enough. Medication is not enough. You have to be there for the kid 24/7. Panic does not share our schedules. Panic does not share the school schedule. Suicide has its own agendas. The idea that “if only, the…
Unanimous Consent
Do not allow the Democrats to play victim here. There are parlimentary paradigms that would allow them to stop the senate from considering anyone on anything. The Democrats will not avail themselves to this maneuvering because it would require them to work versus bitch about how it’s all so unfair…