Tim Barrus Blog
Tim Barrus, New York Times
Cruel and unusual punishment.
Children tortured. Children taken from parents. Children locked in cages. Children died.
Public policy. Cruel and unusual punishment.
The constitution is not vague about cruel and unusual punishment.
Donald John Trump took an oath to protect, preserve, and defend the…
It had to become more fluid. They have the skills to survive. We can now swim in and out of one another’s lives and wakes and waves and travels.
I see we are not supposed to travel. Bad us.
I don’t want to be a mentor. I do not have…
Tim Barrus, New York Times
The New York Times tells me that satire is inappropriate for the fucking New York Times. As if.
It is real life where you will find the real hilarity.
Unless you are some stuffy, privileged, entitled, East Coast grand pooba with Spell Check software stuck…
When they fuck me in the back seat, my legs dangle over to the front seat. But if we put the top down, there’s enough hog-wild, holy-roller corncracker to flag a freight train. I declare to fucking Jesus. Those two make my little asshole pout.
We jack the cars in…
To be that naked in front of the world leaves you more vulnerable than you ever were before. Doing it every day, day in and day out, is exhausting. I do not know why other people write. I can only know why I write. It is not a choice. To…
Tim Barrus, New York Times
Eating Dog
Food and the pandemic are overwhelming realities, here, in Appalachia. I see nothing in the media about how desperate it really is. On my block, people are eating their dogs.
Not stuffing.
The shame runs deep. Suicide runs deep.
Hopelessness runs deep. Failure runs deep. Giving up runs…
Tim Barrus, New York Times
Trump Supporters and the Lizard Brain
Homo Sapiens usually have an ideological safety net called family.
Most verterbrate species hand down the ideas of what is “reality” as law via generations from the past. There is no human history where patriarchy was not ascendent. The pregnant female who left the…
Tim Barrus, New York Times
Attention. Saluting Ivanka.
I’m sorry, but the real issue is not where will these two vile emblems of Vicious America land when they escape their luxurious nest for another luxurious nest that looks and feels exactly like the last one. I just don’t understand how the New York Times can…
Tim Barrus, New York Times
Donny John and the Big Boy Pants
We are told in kindergarten that we are a society of laws, not men. By first grade, we begin to realize we are a society of both laws and men.
And women. Especially teachers.
Whose authority shapes both behaviors and students.
I have…
Tim Barrus, New York Times
I love work that searches for the tension, not necessarily the Why Of Is Conformity-A-Fundamental-Feature of the Fantastique, but Where Is All The Status-Quo-Malaise I Am So Used Seeing In Both Fashion and Film.
So ubiquitous. Heuristic. Rare. Conflicted.
Look under this rock. Look over here at what they are…