Tim Barrus Blog
Consciousness and Identity
Consciousness is suffering. Some of us are fully conscious of who we are. Identity is an outside (your body) affiliation with other creatures of your kind. You are who they say you are. This is community. An agreement that we are unique and you are a part of us, and…
The Living and the Dead
Them. And us. Useless people just under the minimum age for useless people clocking in at around a century. If you step just outside of the Hamptons bubble, you will miss the party conversation about how much these people contribute to society. Where is Truman when we need him. Capitalism…
Healthcare Has Failed Us
We are living through a culture war because we do not know how to rule ourselves, and we do not even know who our many selves are. We take a trip. Sometimes literature comes to town. The Book of Stories is us. But it is not yet an us, Americans…
Tim Barrus: America is Rotten to the Core
http://tim-barrus.format.com/ Capitalism and democracy have both failed us. We dance on their graves. It’s not about your house. It’s not about your job. It’s not about your cars. This time, it’s about you. Cars. Houses. Your boss you hate but you suck it up. Capitalism works for about three people…
Tim Barrus and the New York Times
What parents will do not not do is not going to be up to the new york times Social Media is the current whipping boy. Adults see chaos. Kids see chaos, too, and most kids are able to say: Consider the Source. The kids who cannot have that internal dialogue…
Ghosts Walking
That night in your room. Your walls are tumultuous. Your titty was a sweet one.
tim barrus art
Tim Barrus: Blood in the Water
Sex was once considered to be a political act. Birth control was up for grabs, and birth control is still up for grabs. I remember – those times – when old white men called the shots because they could. The Supreme Court went for guns. Do you think, they won’t…
tim barrus art
Identity is a romance. You are not who you say you are. No one is. Shapeshifters. Do. Not. Touch. Me.