Tim Barrus Blog

  1. Bound In Shadows And Mysteries

    I am a communist. Solidarity is a complete mystery to me. Communists reached for it, and failed miserably. Capitalists preach to us about it. Politicians pretend they have it. If there is one single drop of solidarity in this world as claimed is possible, we would be fighting for it

  2. Such Men Are Dangerous

  3. Pizza Delivery


    We would set up the machine for the day’s clip with the question of color. Or just black and white, and I am not at all convinced that the dude with the whip will do it, and then, they surprise you. They do do it. And they will do it…

  5. New Womb

    Care For the Dying I am a communist. Your culture’s systems of denying the idea of death are a pornography, just like your society is. That will get me kicked off the NYT for being uncivil. Again. If you have strong, considered opinions about anything whatsoever, let alone, death, you

  6. Nail Polish

    Pour mon art principalement mixte, j’utilise du vernis à ongles sur toile.

  7. Bomb Shelter

    The underground bomb shelter had been abandoned since 1966. We moved in. The bomb shelter (they cannot see us and they cannot hear us and they cannot monitor our communications). They might not know that there even is a bomb shelter.

  8. Dirt Bikes Are Loud & It’s Okay

    The past is nothing more than a point on the space time continuum. The coven had always been south of the South Pol. Some people say there are no more witches, and no more covens. What do you think Antifa is. Antifa was before the big bang. Before there was

  9. Low Profile.

    La combinaison de l’art avec la photographie signifie que vous pouvez être enchaîné à Internet. Comme beaucoup d’Américains, je me dis que je suis assez insignifiant. Ordinaire. J’essaie de garder la tête baissée. Un profil bas. Je n’y pars pas toujours. Il y a littéralement des centaines de photos de

  10. The Homeless and the Heat

    https://twitter.com/bokatlindell The Homeless and the Heat Dirt Bike on the Road Spencer Bokat-Lindell, New York Times: Thank you for your illuminating piece on homelessness. I am a communist. The worst is around 3pm. Keep hydrated. Last summer, found me eating out of dumpers. You had to be fast for all