Tim Barrus Blog
Tim Barrus New York Times
Take notes. I have been trying to join Blue Sky for months. It won’t let me in. I give up. I cannot afford to leave the Internet. I don’t make a dime from books. Nada. I’m living in a car in this mountain cold. Fingers ice. Hurricane destroyed everything. No…
Tim Barrus New York Times
The Rapist Is My Current Book Project
New York Times 12/13/2024
Take notes. I put my kids on a flight out of this psycho country. The chief psycho’s fundamental desire is to kill Americans. Americans do not not believe it. So, my grandchildren get to be raped and will have…
Tim Barrus Car Thieves
of his bones/ like blackboards built from fingernails/
instinctively full fathoms five/ summer is done/ i said
done/ it will never be done/ fingering her/ in the new
car/ no fun no fun no fun/ a grey rolls royce/ is
definitely fun/
Tim Barrus New York Times
Take notes. Appalachia is not cheap. Nevertheless, the endemic poverty of Appalachia is so fundamental, so ingrained, so intransigent, that even I cannot articulate what a waste of lives, resources, no vision that can make it better. Families with dirt floors. No hope. America is done. Suicide rates for Appalachia…
Tim Barrus New York Times
Take notes. Going under. Some of us have descended into brooding, (I have). Then, I slap myself. I have to stop “doing” anxiety, and start asking better questions. I see it differently than most Americans. I am not allowed to say: Civil War. People write to me, and in…
tim barrus new york times
Take notes. I was a teacher to adolescents with HIV. All of them arrived with a long list of medications. Every school district creates rules like a nurse has to administer all meds, and if students are caught taking their own meds, they were expelled. No drugs. Was a fundamental…
Tim Barrus New York Times
Take notes. We are ruled by criminals and one rapist criminal. It’s the clown car and he is driving it. Our government is the mob and the mob has won. I wish you luck on keeping your vaunted democracy. Ordinary lament. The Supreme Court golf-cart assessment of how many things…
Tim Barrus New York Times
Take notes. Great piece. I appreciate the research, because it points out the lack of research. But. It goes to law, and I appreciate that, too. What I’m looking at these days is not based in gender issues. It’s based in violence. I was teaching a group of adolescents with…
Tim Barrus: 100,000 Copies
Publishing Was Dark
I was living in NYC when the Mineshaft opened. I am a chronicler of wet people from the rain and soaked and traveling with you is dangerous, but that was when I was dangerous, too. The cab has to be slick, new, and as yellow as Baby…
Tim Barrus New York Times
Take notes. Tilda Swinton gives the New York Times an edge. An edge they frequently cover up with the contradiction between the fact that no one even knows what art is, and the fact that outreach as art for the sake of art even finds its tiny way…