Tim Barrus Blog

  1. tim barrus new york times

    Take notes. I was a teacher to adolescents with HIV. All of them arrived with a long list of medications. Every school district creates rules like a nurse has to administer all meds, and if students are caught taking their own meds, they were expelled. No drugs. Was a fundamental

  2. Tim Barrus New York Times

    Take notes. We are ruled by criminals and one rapist criminal. It’s the clown car and he is driving it. Our government is the mob and the mob has won. I wish you luck on keeping your vaunted democracy. Ordinary lament. The Supreme Court golf-cart assessment of how many things

  3. Tim Barrus New York Times

    Take notes. Great piece. I appreciate the research, because it points out the lack of research. But. It goes to law, and I appreciate that, too. What I’m looking at these days is not based in gender issues. It’s based in violence. I was teaching a group of adolescents with

  4. Tim Barrus: 100,000 Copies

    Publishing Was Dark I was living in NYC when the Mineshaft opened. I am a chronicler of wet people from the rain and soaked and traveling with you is dangerous, but that was when I was dangerous, too. The cab has to be slick, new, and as yellow as Baby

  5. Tim Barrus New York Times

    https://www.nytimes.com/2024/12/07/magazine/tilda-swinton-interview.html#permid=138113367 TILDA Take notes. Tilda Swinton gives the New York Times an edge. An edge they frequently cover up with the contradiction between the fact that no one even knows what art is, and the fact that outreach as art for the sake of art even finds its tiny way

  6. Lydia Polgreen Is the Best

    TAKE NOTES Here in Appalachia, they just kill the trans kids. After torturing them. I’ve seen gasoline poured on them. People looked down. At their feet. People walked away. No one would help this screaming, naked kid. I picked up a rug and wrapped him in it and got him

  7. Tim Barrus New York Times

    Take Notes. I am living in a truck. In the morning, I meet up with my Appalachia neighbors in a coffee shop. We solve the problems of the world. I usually get one these guys to join my side. Hurricane Helena killed husbands, wives, and kids. Body parts are still

  8. TimBarrusNewYorkTimes

    Take notes. Baring witness is important. I do not know why. But the idea that you can talk armed soldiers out of using Rape as a weapon of war is patently absurd and beneath contempt. Who do you think will be shot in the face next. You. Will be shot


    Take Notes. “But, like Mr. Manchin, we should all be rooting for them to succeed.” I’m shocked. I find this statement to be viscous. It defends the RAPIST. What this fool of a homo sapiens who wrote this sickening piece of pornography wants is called compliance. I wrote a book

  10. Tim Barrus New York Times

    Take notes. Legend and mythology are both subject to modern terminology and continual updating. The Iliad was music. The Iliad was a song. The Iliad was voice. The Iliad was history and a lot of it was simply created so Homer could go home. It was Greek but it was