Tim Barrus Blog
I’m for truth, no matter who tells it. — Malcom X
I’m for truth, no matter who tells it. — Malcom X. I am a communist. Why are you here. I ask that question a lot because I want to know the answer to it. I write the answers down. I doubt I will use those answers for anything. I…
And Give To Dust What Belongs To Dust
That makes calamity calamity. Between heaven and the knives. The indifferent children, disappointed they do not know disappointed. They do not know disappointment. They are the disappointed. If I had it all to do over again, where would I even start. I would beg to start as stillborn. Throw the…
I am a communist. Donald Trump is a hot air balloon that flies over his nursing home window, and they have to prop it up so the balloon can do a flyby and Don can salute. Everything I said was going to happen has happened and exactly in the way…
Fucking Hard Work.
At a time.Two because bogus accusations are a dime a dozen these days, sexuality can be irrelevant. So not the issue. All your pretty little jobs are pretty irrelevant in the face of crippling, breathtaking lawsuits where claimants are getting…
Mainly, You Feel the Power of the Bike Through Your Hands
I am a communist. It is not a crime. Territory is a To believe we can do better, to understand that the recent past was a duplicate of the past of the HereAndNow which is a contradiction, and we are taking decades to construct a social environment, social context, sociocultural…
How Does A Reader At The New York Times Get Away With Saying They Know Someone (me) They Have Never Met
I have a rule. Do not argue with readers at the New York Times. I get to break the rule because I made it. I just don’t recognize who they are talking about as if one thing came before the other so obviously there is some kind of undiscovered reason…
Tim Barrus, New York Times
I am a communist. Sex and kids. Generals and Government. Gears and go-betweens. Diapers and diplomacy. It would be just too easy to cherrypick. But someone axed the cherry tree down. It’s dead. It’s been dead for over a century. But pick away at it, they do and they will.…
Tim Barrus, New York Times
It is the sun that drapes the summer. The one we are walking down a path of lush green that will look differently soon enough as you will amble through it shoeing some of the leaves and snow away. How is it that we sexualize the very thing that…