Tim Barrus Blog

  1. Tim Barrus: New York Times: Get Real

    Michelle Goldberg at the New York Times tells us to hit the streets. Nine million Americans live in the streets. Exactly how is it that they’re supposed to hit them. The New York Times people are smart and they have good intentions. But they live in a well-funded bubble, and

  2. A Safe Place to Learn Almost Seems Like MoreThan We Know How To Do

    rock it like a candle and the blowing out from screams covered as most screams are by dust Rock it like a candle and the blowing out the earth in seconds and you can watch them all naked as a cat knows sleep rock it like a candle and the…

  3. Tim Barrus and the New York Times

    David Leonhardt is an opinion/editorial columnist at the New York Times. I agree with him on many things, and admire his writing. Often, his reasoning is lame. If only — we just worked together. If only… I am sick and tired of hearing all the if only we coulds one…

  4. the jumping in

    this time the jumping in has to do with sex/ you do mix it up with relationships and i am okay with that/ but i am not the point/ it’s not about me/ it’s about you/ it’s about all the jumping in/ i am here to tell you that i

  5. Rape As Punishment In Juvenile Detention Has to Stop

    The Department of Justice estimates that one in every three boys referred to juvenile justice detention is raped. I used to wonder what it might take for people to care enough to put a stop to it. I was naive to put it mildly. Institutions employ rape as overt victimization.

  6. Your Bride’s White Dress

    white people do not think about hunger because they are rarely hungry and there you on the corner and the twisting it’s always worse in the rain and then you ache with sucking old white cock my summary of what is wrong with this picture the lips and teeth of

  7. New York Times: On Queer Childhood

    I mentor boys at-risk for HIV. Many of them do sex work. They don’t carry the baggage of typical adolescents. Their baggage is a lot more breath-taking. People see delinquency, the juvenile justice system, and detention. None of which work. That people do not understand homelessness, hunger, and hate, is

  8. To Burn the Sky

    dusk was difficult to burn the sky we thieves together, and the lovers and the friends they all too often cum slowly such moments like distant moons and stuff and lawns can fade in suicide’s revenge so complicit with the living and their first violent year of holding you naked

  9. Tim Barrus in the New York Times

    Our time is over. My time is over. I am on my phone. On my back. Looking at the morning stars and the sunrise dust of light just now warming my world. My mountain Blue Ridge trees have turned bright red and yellow. Those leaves will fall. Autumn has arrived.

  10. if they call me a girl

    if they call me a girl one more time, i am going to start beating them up and you can’t stop me he said (this is where i have to decide to be appropriate or inappropriate who am i kidding i have never been appropriate) okay i said https://timbarrus.tumblr.com