Tim Barrus Blog
Cow Dogs Rule
I Can Save a Ton of Money If I Do All My Repairing Myself
Dirt Bike People know this: Dirt Bikes all play a little differently. I once had a Honda that did not have a clutch. Didn’t need one. The electric dirt bikes are amazing. They can go without a recharge for about as long as anyone can ride in a day. The…
And he can sit with us Poverty Big Boys at the table.
Tim Barrus, New York Times
Suits. Media friendships are convivial. Funny. Smart. Creative. Communicative. They smile. They’re now your buddy. Now, they go for the jugular. You (as subject) could go with no comment on any issue and I am sorry, but there are, indeed, writers who will put words in your mouth, rendering you…
What Experts
Patton Park I See Divisions Tim Barrus 2021 Cinematheque Films GoPro
Objection Sustained
Some Sins Are Unforgiveable
Dirt Bike Town existed because the slaughterhouse existed. Blood came bubbling up the gas station’s drain. The slaughter house was not going anywhere. I hated living right next door. All the death came out at night like tongues and languages and voices you did not know. You listened to the…
Rides That Go Up & Rides That Do Not