Tim Barrus Blog
Tim Barrus, New York Times
Comments get comments. Homo sapiens have always had a backdoor out. Watch where you sit in restaurants. I’m chewing on ice and cracking my teeth. Monica tells me it’s bad to do that. “Your teeth will eat you.”
“I want you to eat me, not my teeth.”
“Everything is sex…
Tim Barrus, New York Times
For a self-identified liberal publication, the New York Times takes a dim view on noncomformity. It begins with security in their building. It’s like walking into a vault. The New York Times publishes lots and lots of the POV that noncomformity is unacceptable. I am a radical. They can take…
Tim Barrus, New York Times
What the person who is reacting to in this comment to the comment (this is ridiculous) is that for him to make sense of it, it has no worth. People like this always want “what is apporpriate.” Appropriate is what the New York Times and I fight about every day.…
Tim Barrus: Four Bucks Emerge From the Woods
Four two-year-old bucks. They’re skittish. But I think they smell food, and they can see that the dogs are in the cabin. This was taken with a Go Pro. A traditional camera is too big for me. Often, I will need to run. Bears are not pets. I have out…
Tim Barrus: Appalachia Town
I am already getting hits and numbers on Appalachia Town. There’s (so far) no text. Just photographs of Appalachia. I have not so much as really starting this project with the exception of a few of the photographs. This project could take me another year. My average is 2 photographs…
Tim Barrus, New York Times
We have figured out who the person was who allegedly spoke on the record with media but anonymously (how does that even happen) about my family.
What are they talking about. I don’t even have a family. I don’t come from anywhere. I am an alien from B733D111-1, a star…
Tim Barrus, Appalachia Town
Tim Barrus, New York Times
Ross Douthat on the American West. I gotta hand it to him. He goes right up to a thing, and presses his nose hard against the window. Ross wants more people in the West.
I want them to go away and take their reproductions with them. The West does not…
Tim Barrus: What is Consent
Minor children cannot consent because as minor children, they then become vulnerable, and they mainly do not comprehend what the consequences can be. This is where I usually come into it with my own experiences at being raped. I am really trying not to do that. It’s anecdotal. You cannot…
Tim Barrus, New York Times
It was one of those drag out daze of bike and rain and bouncing off fifty people who think this or that about this or that, about basically who said what to whom and where is this whom from. I think I went off on the NYT. In the writing…