Tim Barrus Blog
Particle Accelerator: Entanglement
Particle Physics
My Kingdom For a Horse
My Kingdom For a Horse art by tim barrus
Time Has No Atoms To Vindicate
Your Hair’s On Fire Better Lost Your Wits
We Met On the Canal
The things about the tenth dimension would include the perception you have no idea what is going on. Cosmologists and whatever lenses they use will be compelled to pick a timeline we think we know. We might want to know particles make up the timeline. The Chaos Theory is an…
I Write What I See
I would like to see both Trump and Biden fighting it out. With bare fists and teeth. It’s how Americans know something is real. Conflict. Engagement. Blood. Continued engagement. Reengagement. To. What. End. We know some of that would be personal. Some of that would be political. All of it…
Tim Barrus: New York Times
I left the urban skyline for a mountain skyline. Naturalistic landscapes, and that would include this one, evolve terrain within a host paradigm of context. Its strength is the illusion, we can rise above ourselves. It asks a question: What is history. How can it be what we left behind.…
Send Me Your Fire
Tim Barrus Art
Dirt Bike Town: The Dunes
Tim Barrus Art
Radioactive Socks
The American people will shrug and tolerate nuclear testing, too. How many ways can you get fucked in the ass and laughed at. Any other species would find it humiliating. That is the point of rape. How long have we been here. How long ago did homo sapiens begin to…