Tim Barrus Blog
Tim Barrus: Old bone skulls hung from crosses all around the garden. Juju.
I started the garden this summer a little early. My hope is to harvest before the September heat destroys everything. I have learned how to can fish using a pressure cooker. The day will arrive when we will begin to run out of tricks. It will be too hot to…
Tim Barrus: The Virtues of Repair
I want to write stories that are at their core, an in-between-ness, I call these these stories our Second Selves.
Everyone screams blood about diversity, and that is fine. No diversity is like a forest with only one kind of tree. Only certain people can tell certain stories. Only the…
Tim Barrus: The Aside of Horizontal
What do you really glimpse in a collage of horizontals. Little electric shots and then, it’s over.
Tim Barrus: Stop Investigating This It’s Mean
I want to be nice to you so you’ll go away. Something tells me, you are not going away. I was there. I was there. I was there. You were not there. The cops were not there. The school district was there. Special ed teachers came to my house. It…
Tim Barrus: The Screenplay Is Finally Finished.
When you need money, write a screenplay.
All you are selling them is time. They don’t buy many screenplays outright. Usually, they buy an option. I cannot for the life of me figure out why I fired ICM. I’m stupid. Actually, I fired them because they wanted me to publish…
Tim Barrus: It Isn’t Going To Take A Photograph By Itself
Your lucid moment has not risen to the level of ourselves. Endless grief. What does it mean. Nothing. A rusty pickup stopped. And we got in. You misplaced your camera in that empty house.
Tim Barrus: It Had 2 B Done
Divergent moment. Stand still, Raven.
Tim Barrus: Lovers and Thieves
I would never use your real name in a novel I am writing where the main character is demented. Why would I do that. I might do that. But I didn’t. If you got it if you got it you go boom boom. And my runaway eye eye. If you…
Tim Barrus: Minimize Your Risk
We lived upstairs. We did not go out much. We kept the place fully stocked. Wichita whores chill. Crystal sing just sing. Coal free. Keep your shoes on. It was a mistake to have just have left me standing alone. Go. Go. Take yourself home. I am home.
Tim Barrus, New York Times
I am conflicted about inclusion. I have been in the thick of it. In some ways, it’s just managing chaos. After a year of inclusion, my typical 6th graders never once invited the disabled in – the disabled kids were not their friends, they were just obstacles in the classroom…