Tim Barrus Blog


    Take notes. The historian and biographer Ian Kershaw described Hitler as “the embodiment of modern political evil”. Under Hitler’s leadership and racist ideology, the Nazi regime was responsible for the genocide of an estimated six million Jews and millions of other victims, whom he and his followers deemed Untermenschen (subhumans)


    Take notes. Many of the Boomers with HIV are now elderly. HIV/AIDS affects many of the body’s organ systems, including the brain and nervous system. HIV infection actually makes its way to the brain early in the disease process. HIV encephalopathy is an infection spread throughout the brain. The greater

  3. North Korea

    Take notes. I would like to know what was said in those phone calls to the Kremlin. Is contacting the leader of a country we are at war with even legal. I forgot. There is nothing treasonous about calling up a really close, close friend. I forgot. Illegal is a

  4. Ezra Kline Pulls His Punches

    Take notes. I would never say: The American people are stupid. I might think it. But I would not say it. Mainly, because the American people are armed. It is not uncivil for me to say that the American people desire to be entertained. Trump is giving them what they

  5. Your Mouth

    the last time I touched your soft lips with my fingers/ you put those fingers in your mouth/ tasting dreams/ but by the wind grieved, ghost/ we wrote that book together/ the ice machine was just outside the room/ it sounded like the USS Enterprise/ smoking ass/ but you cannot…

  6. The Writing Life – NYT

    https://www.nytimes.com/2024/10/20/podcasts/the-daily/tony-tulathimutte-feminist.html#permid=136977606 Take notes. There is no such thing as identity. Identity is a cultural concept of the self at war with society. I have had many windmills in my life. Those things we shake our swords at. What comes around, goes around. I lied. I said I was someone (I

  7. Ross Douthat’s Catholicism is Subordination

    Take notes. There is no god. There is no Jesus. There is no heaven. There are no wing rentals for Victoria’s Secret Angels. There are no angels. There are no gates. There is no sane theology. There never was a virgin Mary. Jesus did not walk on water. When Ross


    History is history. Repeating it is what homo sapiens sapiens do. Take notes. I have been listening to the whole Let Us Have More Babies And More Babies. So that we can keep the status quo of growth at all costs, development at all costs, overcrowding at all costs, environmental

  9. Tim Barrus, New York Times

    Take notes. Great piece. I knew we were in trouble when the Hurricane blew the front door off. I live at the top of a mountain in the Appalachian Blue Ridge. I have survived 22 hurricanes. But nothing like this one. The water was coming at us sideways. There was

  10. Tim Barrus: New York Times

    Take notes. “But voters still trust his positions more than his opponent’s.” Don’t tell me. Show me. I do not believe it. There’s a different standard for showing, and clinging to a narrative that is dubious at best. How do we know that Americans trust Trump more. Where are the