Tim Barrus Blog

  1. mute///// mute///// mute/////

    http://tim-barrus.format.com/ ITellThem2TakePhotos OfWorldAroundThem WeSitInACircle UArticulateWhatImages Say///// FarEasierThanPulling StuffFromTheirGuts Sometimes///// iReachIntoTheirGuts 2Squeeze&TheyCry Sometimes///// TheKidHasShutDown2The ExtentHeIsMute mute///// mute/////

  2. WE ARE

    Tim Barrus: The New York Times Question posed: What are we… Pathetic. Ignorant. Americans cannot articulate how democracy works. Pompous. Conflicted. Militaristic. Murderous. We commit more murders than any other culture. Poor. They only reason the economy appears so robust is because so many Americans have multiple jobs, and Trump…

  3. Covert Photography

    I can’t write this and have it picked up by trolls. So allow me to communicate this the way I communicate on Twitter. WalkingIntoAIDSClinicHoldingCamera LeftHandYouCanSeeCamGoProSmallSoIAmNotObscuringFactTaking VideoOfGovernmentAIDSclinicINeverPutCamera2MyEyesICanFeel2 DocumentWhatWeTolerateDirtyDiapers&ShitOnFloorBADBAD Thing 4People w/ HIV. COVERT PHOTOGRAPHY WORKSHOP.

  4. Tim Barrus, New York Times: The Forest For The Trees

    http://www.nytimes.com/2018/08/16/opinion/donald-trump-john-brennan-security-clearance.html?comments#permid=28269358 There is no infrastructure to reign Trump in. All the hopeful people working so hard to protect democracy sadly cannot see the forest for the trees. The forest gone. The trees cut down. And America is finished. It is too late to bring a corpse back. Trump will rise…


    i started hitchhiking right around the age of ten and got hooked on it until the day arrived that i bought my first trail bike about half the people who picked me up had weed getting into that car with the two women was an education as was the beach…

  6. le sac à nouveau

    I live out of one bag. One bag.

  7. Witches Live Here

    Poery Is Dangersome Shit

  8. ChopShop

    I bought my first bike from him. And then, I stayed 4 a week. He sold a lot of bikes, none of them legally. My new hog looked exactly like a hog I had looked at across town. I know what’s for sale and my ass was one of those

  9. Poetic License

    Poetic License

  10. Plotting Survival

    Any adolescent boy who has done sex work to survive can tell at least one horror story involving tricks. Some boys can tell a hundred of these stories. Being ripped off. Being assaulted. Being forced to commit acts the boy does not want to perform. Being blackmailed. Being threatened. Being…