Tim Barrus Blog

  1. Tim Barrus: New York Times

    I teach boys at-risk who have HIV. Cancer and HIV are formidable. I have seen teenagers decide they cannot endure what they call poisoning. Adding antiretrovirals into a pharmacological regimen can be hard. Easier said than done. Especially with kids whose compliance is iffy, and who are not undetectable. TV

  2. U Better Run

    poverty porn like lunar silences i only take the photographs/ it’s a grave thing, to take a place, to objectify it/ our sovereign sleeping leaves no cum stains on the sheets/ you get to comfort yourself with the understanding there is a beauty to the thing/ i have seen appalachia

  3. What Is Art

    Art is something usually degraded into a sickening effort to spruce up the aesthetic of the living space with something that reflects corporate consumer values like a pretty picture of a sunset your mom would love on the living room wall. Art is usually dreck, and it is rare. Art

  4. For Anna

    we tried shocking people out of the religious family and tribal rituals (like christmas or the 4th) of complacency, but we mainly failed/ we do know we failed/ we are not stupid people/ skin gigs exist all over the planet/ we wanted to be someone we were not/ identity was

  5. Tim Barrus in the New York Times: The Rich Speak

    Mainstream publishing is like a cat with one life. The New York Times interviews Tina Brown. This is like the pot speaks to the kettle. Tina Brown is orthodox print publishing. Her digital experiments were flirtations. She doesn’t want to be a player in the one-cat, one-life feline in a

  6. Appalachian General

    the appalchian sky made cheap as if standstill was attracted to a fading sun and the miles of parking lots scattered once again like the dead chain of emptying pilgrim souls who have arrived in the lower reaches of the hollows from the civilized east burning wood for warmth https://twitter.com/timbarrus

  7. Tim Barrus, New York Times

    It is difficult to stomach the victorious, scorched-earth Trump has left us with. We are breathlessly irrelevant. Still in shock from 2016. Shock, too, is irrelevant. It is more than shocking to hear a Republican call for unity. Where is the evidence that Republicans are even slightly, actually seeking unity.…

  8. Traveling to Golgotha

    Just traveling. As I write this, if you haven’t written on an iPhone, you haven’t lived, we’re barreling through West Virginia. West Virginia kinda creeps me out. The New York Times has published a piece on adolescent male relationships. Set against the context of what they call: the sleepover. You…

  9. Trump is the American fetish

    Trump is a fetish. An object worshipped for its supposed magical powers because it is considered to be inhabited by a spirit. An American fetish. Power always becomes, too, a form of sexual desire in which gratification is firmly connected to an abnormal degree to a particular object. Trump. Yes,…

  10. It is Not Your World

    you would not know this, it’s just not your world/ the best part of turning tricks is when the trick is jacking off in the bathroom, and they sorta get lost in there/ it means the whore might get the room for the night because daddy will probably flee for