Tim Barrus Blog
they’re always watching
so, it’s all a mystery
what suits and straight people see
is sex because that is what they always see they are predictable/
some straight guys like to watch us because they find it titillating/ not in a sexual way, but just in amazement/
it is like watching a train…
leaps into the dark
Goddamn ART can be frustrating if it wants to be, and most of the time, it does.
Where did CBGBz go.
Doom is a visionary thing. Out of reach and incredible. Most people are drunk.
I know people who are certain that they can get what they want from being…
they sexualize themselves
they sexualize themselves
i didn’t do it/ it’s just how things work, especially a place like San Francisco’s Tenderloin what’s going on, baby, is called drugs
they sexualize themselves, and if that bothers you, please, look the other way
way way way off into the distance where your white people…
U Try & Keep Him Out of Stores
where do you think he turns tricks/ the store manager is just
another trick/
is this pose a cum on/
this is the easy part the part where he buys baby a pink ice cream/
the hard part is getting home/ the worst part is making sure you…
a god at variance
aids is not over///
how is it that i am always at a fucking loss for words
at the most inappropriate times and stop looking at me
like that/ there are no words/ he loved a certain prolapse
all 2 well/
I have NO answers/ 2 anything/ go fuck yourself/…
the probability of wreckage
a hurricane threw a tree through my island house
there is nothing quite like standing there almost
motionless just looking at the wreckage of it in the
same way feeling nothing and feeling numb like
now what the fuck
At-Risk Is
at-risk is when
destiny is U
straddling a
fence in
the stamina
of december
my running
with the sullen
hounds baying
in the dark
a recidivist
the reach
is unobtainable/
Post-Literary CDC PosterBoy Mentality Not 4 Human Consumption
I took this photograph with a GoPro. But no matter how I try to pump it up, put some blood into a soft cock, or make the thing something you would read, actually, this pathetic POSTERBOY remains as bad as it was the day it was printed by a government…
A Gathering of Clouds on the Horizon
Most of the Men In My Small World Are Bisexual – Straight Men All Transient Come and Go
questo amore