Tim Barrus Blog
Take notes. I was standing on a street corner in San Francisco. I was hardly expecting to see Cher standing beside me. She wasn’t alone. This was rock and roll. A whole army of folks from her tour were right behind her. Cher was concerned that not all of them…
Tim Barrus, New York Times
Take notes. When you add up all the actuarial elements for a homo sapiens who is overweight, the numbers do not lie. The chances that a 78-year-old male will not be with us is ten percent. The story doesn’t end there. The chances that a 78-year-old overweight male with a…
We Are Not Like Other People
Bad Autistic by Time Barrus
Tim Barrus, New York Times
I stumbled and there, Literary Heist Was. A focused dream of thoughts that are actually thoughts. I wrote a book called GENOCIDE. It picks up where reality (such as it is) left off. And everyone believed it was time to say HIV is not a problem. And now we move…
Tim Barrus New York Times
Take notes. Gay men have formed a survivor’s group that is about older men who survived AIDS. And the AIDS era. Which has not ended. The group is angry with me for questioning the tenet of the tenets. The rule that life is always worth living because it’s life. Living…
Tim Barrus, New York Times
Take Notes. I have to watch what I write. What are the risks of having a voice. As a writer, every time I turn around, there are new rules. There are the NYT rules of etiquette. There are the religious rules about specific words that are not allowed. All new…
Tim Barrus, New York Times
Take notes. The question seems to be: How do we fight back. The alternative torture is to tie ourselves down to any railroad tracks. Oh, we picked #2 refrigerator. Just freeze us for four years. It doesn’t work. Brooks is sensibly telling us to move forward but carefully, and (this…
Tim Barrus New York Times
Take Notes. Leftists? The term is a lie that journalists use in their hypothesis of the definitional political boundaries. Those leftists. But. Who are these so-called leftists. I know this: You made it up. God help us. Who are these people. Who shakes the hand of a Marxist and says:…
Tim Barrus New York Times
Take notes. There are alternatives for renter folks who know how to look. Farms. I was living in a cabin that I built on a mountaintop in the Blue Ridge Mountains. It was pastoral on steroids. Hurricane Helene changed everything. It wiped us out. I am renting a house in…
Tim Barrus New York Times
Take notes. I’m not buying it. The election was stolen. Period. I do not sweat the small stuff. You guys don’t understand that the American people did this. No one else will say this, but the American people are a mean lot. I hate America. I goy my kids out.…