Tim Barrus Blog
Armed Delinquent
We are the culture of greed, death, indifference, cruelty, mass incarceration, poverty, hunger, suspicion, hate, patriarchal monarchy disguised as democracy, and genocide.
Within the context of that evil, bête noire – exactly how is that any different from the cultural nightmare that was ancient Rome’s legacy to the world. The…
your rooms
The Beautiful Terrorists were known to carry micro amounts of plutonium in a thin lead casing that would protect you, but not for long. You could open the casing in your pocket or suicide by cop would work. When you think about plutonium the size of a grain of rice,…
Fucking Shoot Me
Southern Comfort Is All Whiskey
Most People In The Blue Ridge
Most people in the Blue Ridge live like this. I do. Our silence is not Us In Absentia. The dirt bike is in the back yard.
It Is The Leaves Above the Cowboy Dead That Do The Talking Now
The balls. Even when we have the numbers, we cannot understand emotional strangulation as a replacement for the guillotine. The rich earth of amethyst and cunt. But what about a world of ash and smoke. I am with Antifa. I ride a dirt bike. You are what you drive.
Toughest Little Bitch Camera
This camera is going to last another thousand years. Small as a matchbox.
He’s fifteen and still going strooooooooong
Appalachia Town
San Francisco Town. Tenderloin Town. Jones Street Town. “Rome never really burned. It smoldered for centuries.”
It’s still there. Like New Jersey. I have never been to New Jersey.
I could do Boca Raton Town but they would cancel my passport.
New York Times Town. Enough.
Dirt Bike Town and…