Tim Barrus Blog

  1. JT


    When was the last time you read a book written by an autistic writer. Most of the Normals do not even believe that anyone neurodivergent enough to rebel against all the crazy boxes we are put in by an intolerant culture that condemns us to silence. We are not allowed…

  3. incendiary comments

    I am not that guy.

  4. Dirt Bike Town In Space

    Dirt Bike Town in Space

  5. Up 2 No Good

    l’aube extérieure s’est glissée dans la pièce/ne le regarde pas/ne lui donne pas ce qu’il veut/c’est mon travail/

  6. Blue Ridge Baby

    Blue Ridge Baby, a novel by Tim Barrus

  7. Different Cameras

    I do not know where the idea originated that it was bad to use more than one camera in a lifetime. I do not know how such a stupid question is not a question. You tell me. How immoral is it to use a variety of cameras. I am using…

  8. A Bar in Paris

    I took a tab of acid before I left to hit the bar right at five. Up and down my alley by five is when the screaming starts. Men and women mainly women. Most were pissed off about something or other. You are accountable to the Homo sapiens who love

  9. No Autistic Writers Allowed


    Let us imbue all rapists with respect. Let us imbue the rapist with Bibles. Let us imbue criminals with cash. We could dump it out of airplanes flying over Palm Beach. Let us give serial rapists a parade. Flags. Flags. Let us bow down and prostrate ourselves into submission by