Tim Barrus Blog

  1. Video: Smashing the Silence

    Usually, they are following me. This time, I am following them. With cameras. Three to be exact. We switch roles. They have always followed me if I am organizing. But not this time. I can only write small glimpses of what they do, what they’re about, what being marginal really…

  2. Den Stockholm pojken masturberar

    efter onanering/ auctioneeren/ kronan/ du äter hans ack/ priset är en buzzard för soppa/ slutföra köpet av engagemang/ invigningstal/ hemligheterna av hans fängelset/ färgen på snö och is och gags på vinden/

  3. Take Off Your Shirt

    Take off your shirt. No, I don’t want people to see me. (I look around) There’s no one here take off your shirt. No, I look like I’m sick. You are sick.  No. Everyone knows you have it. It’s worse when everyone thinks we all died 20 years ago. Take…

  4. Suicide Squad Super Duper Heros

    There they go again. The High School Suicide Squad Super Heros. Pleading with us that suicide is not the way. And who the fuck do you think you are. We care. Go fuck yourselves. It’s the missionary model. We will save you. What if we don’t want to be saved. …

  5. CountryBoy

  6. Video: Authenticity

    Authenticity can be gritty, too. We reinforce children to be authentic. Unless they’re poor. Then, they just make us uncomfortable.

  7. Vid: People Ask Me Y I Do This

    Why Do I Do This. I am sick and tired of this question. If you cannot answer that question for yourself, you will never get it, and it hardly matters what I articulate. If you cannot answer that question for yourself, you don’t want to get it. It comes down…

  8. After the Main Event

  9. A Stupid Video By Justin

  10. Video: Contempt Can Be Attenuated

    Contempt can be a subtle thing. Until it’s not. Smash Street’s Weekend Talking Group has been dealing with the subject of contempt, and how it ranges from subtle messaging to outright hatred. And the stuff that is in-between. The boys has used the metaphor of spitting to symbolize what they…