Tim Barrus Blog
Tim Barrus: New York Times
America turns into Salem. Who will be burned today. Maybe you.
Tim Barrus: New York Times
So. Exactly where is the money coming from that supposedly saves the lives of the fetal unborn. The sacred sludge of a couple of cellular monstrosities. No one will support these kids. The cracks they normally fall into are this time way, way apart. There will be no resolution. It’s…
Tim Barrus: The New York Times
The conservatives use Foster Care to point out that if you break the law, the cops arrive to take your kids. Cops follow orders no matter what. “It’s our job.” Fuck your job, and fuck you. Gay men AND children (I did not say with) should look very hard at…
Tim Barrus: What Arrives Will Be Distraction
The Barrus, New York Times Entropy implies something has been extracted.
Tim Barrus: High As Any Other Reno Whore
We have fallen asleep between between our tonges continued to the beaten grounds of stir.
Tim Barrus: New York Times
I am autistic. I have Asperger’s. I am rarely appropriate. After being on Twitter for more than a decade watching thousands of Twitter scrolls scrolling, it’s a stim, and accomplishes what. Treachery is a blood worm. The body politik has been breached. There is no there there. If Twitter disappeared…
Tim Barrus: Burned At The Stake
Some people are ticking, and ticking, and just ticking away their time. Some people are burning through it even as their eyes glare back a ravashing emptiness dry as sorrow in the summer.
TimBarrus: WhatIsSurvivalAnywayAnd WhereIsItIsItHopelessness
Even The Old House Had A Second Self
Tim Barrus: Call Survival What It Is
I grew up in a cabin and I am not the rich boy – let us say cast into caste – that Wikipedia says I am. The idea is a contempt symbolized by the discussions on Wikipedia as to how they would get me. I do wonder what the people…
Tim Barrus: New York Times
I Should Begin With Synopsis. But No. We know this: America seems to want our death. I have always lived with that, and it is not dissimilar to living with nuclear inevitability. I am autistic. A high functioning autistic. I will not tolerate any Homo sapiens with their various and…