Tim Barrus Blog

  1. Tim Barrus and Alex

    This is where I get separated from the rest of you. I have the pills. This is Appalachia. Not Paris. The drugs are not a theory. They’re an option. It’s not politik or religious. A place only I know about. A forest not bulldozed under. When they find my bones,…


  3. Tim Barrus New York Times

    There are few male voices inside the mainly female sections at the New York Times which are assigned as Family, Family Values, Raising Children in a Religion, Raising Children Without a Religion, Day Care, Trauma at Day Care, Trauma at the New York Times, Rape Makes Guys Nervous Who Should…

  4. Steegstra

    We hated each other the moment we met. Steegstra was my Director, and I did as I was told. It was. I am not going to write. Her slave because I will not do it. She was my first French play. There would be others. There is something wrong when…

  5. Not Unlike the Wolves

    I have seen the wolves up close. Only because they allowed it. I had never made a hostile move or one that could be construed to be a threat. I had known wolves before. The clothes I wore, smelled of them. The wolves were cautious. No teeth yet. Wolves will…

  6. Icon

    Iconography is the Jack Russell chasing its crazy tail. Stripped down to what is important but probably not to the dog. To the dog, you either feed it or you don’t. Icons seek an audience. A holiness beaten bitter by its complete failure to find a god. Anywhere. Anywhere.

  7. Everything is Boxes

    You are not listening. You are not looking at me. The whole angry eye thing is disingenuous. Mickey Shivers tells me there are so many second selves in there, beyond your stubborn skull, the only way to make you listen is to glue your booboo to your ear. Yes, it’s…

  8. I Stole the Camera

    I did not know the neighborhood. It was more a village than a town. 3 traffic lights. We will stone you, too. Most of my friends wound up at the wire factory. Where they all became beaten men. Forgotten men. Blue veinsd across your forehead. The identity of a stoop.…

  9. Rain on the River

    “Rain on the River” was a huge project for any sixteen-year-old to tackle. I learned far, far more working on the film than anything I learned from a high school I never attended anyway.  

  10. Emerges From the Darkroom

    We fabricate fictions not so that the false will seem true but to tell the most salient unspeakable truths and all of this will disturb the horses. You need a new light on the door that says you are occupied in there. Code for: I am jacking off in the…