Tim Barrus Blog
in the morning they always have to pee somewhere mainly on a tree/ crawling out like rabbits from a magician’s hat/ izaak, randy, josh, and devon plus the rest of them like pilgrims for the whole marvelous and unvisited earth that blinds them in the aerial buoyancy of their raw-boned…
How Do We Reach the Hard-to-Reach
I call them Boys-At-Risk. The label is inaccurate. It puts human beings in a box we don’t want to look at, and it’s language as racism personified.
I loathe the terminology. But I am at a loss, not in terms of examining the many challenges, but how do I reach…
While They’re Being Fucked, They Dream of Home
As if their outcalls were a tomb.
I am never amazed.
I am never stunned.
I am never surprised.
Yet I was all of this and more.
INTERVIEWS WITH BOYS WHO DO SEX WORK as an ongoing project at Smash Street has taken me to places I was astounded to…
Sex Wounded Tumblr But Tumble Will Survive
I have always loved working on Tumblr. So, when what has been going on at Tumblr hit the front page of the New York Times, I felt compelled to respond. Sans peur et sans reproche.
A lot of my work goes up on Tumblr, and I still love it. I…
His Second Self
The assignment was to create something that tells the story of your second selves. Many of the stories were about armor and fragments.
Jumping Up and Down
when the entire
fucking world
has become too
much to fucking
bear for one little
old day, i jump
up and down on
the bed up and
down up and
down on the bed
usually i will be
joined by other
crazy people and
we will jump up
and down…
I Opened My Eyes
When Is Cultural Approbation Survival
I still get death threats. Death threats are stupid, and stupid people make them. Bring it on, bitch.I opened my eyes. A small group of people in scrubs were looking down at me and they were uniformly grim.
Obviously, this was a hospital.
Tubes. Beeps.…
He eats like he hasn’t had any food in days.
He devours the carbs.
“And then the last trick…”
He is telling me all about his latest Adventures in Sex Work.
I simply listen. It is what I do.
I’m pretty good at building the walls I construct to keep…
of mice and men
Shake Yer Kitty