Tim Barrus Blog

  1. Tim Barrus in the New York Times

    We begin this video in a graveyard. We end the writing part of this in the same graveyard. You will not get it. But then, we don’t make jack shit for you. So what IS mainstream art. The video (above) has no name. It has no stars. It has no

  2. he’s feeling you up in public and you like it

    his hand will be squeezing my ass often on the long road home leaving me silently incredulous because it’s such overt flirtation no one thinks of him as someone who would do this, he is held in such regard i say nothing, pretending not to notice his fingers pushing against

  3. Put Your Tongue In My Mouth

    his tongue was always a sort of ruins set apart from the cold or even from the rest of him his cock his eyes his hands his shit hole his hollow in the mountains where the crows live

  4. Wall of Arrows

  5. Tim Barrus in the New York Times

    Up against the wall again. The New York Times is not telling the whole story. Trump claims to have seen soldiers on the ground. It is big news in Europe that this is a lie. But it’s not reported in America. Why does this matter in the bigger context of…

  6. 1933

  7. holding me up

    in the war against boys, first you cut off their legs/ well, i am ill, but i’m not dead/ and i don’t know which of those i prefer because that limb which i have lost, well it was the only thing holding me up, holding me up/ https://timbarrusart.tumblr.com

  8. when death is best

  9. 2 Straight Boys Hungry As a Straining Rope

    the camera speaks because that is what it is designed to do/ digging down past the edges deep/ turf or the boundary lines kinda fade away/ they are almost scared/ the disingenuous would call it new horizons/ actually, what straight males fear the most is shit/ the land of the

  10. le crib