Tim Barrus Blog
Most Galaxies
most galaxies will hang out near bigger galaxies/ in orbit not unlike satellites/ large galaxies routinely collide with smaller galaxies in a violence warped beyond all recognition where newly induced bursts of star-forming regions escape the idea of time itself, and then there’s humanity, watching like a nest of hawks,…
Tim Barrus Poetry
but what is poetry/
i have a small plot of land back in the big woods where i grow things/ secret things, things humming a little bit, sometimes in a thin minor key, humming impatiently in whispers that i have returned i have returned/ to sit here and write things,…
Wooden Porch Swing in the Distance
behind the house, and just beyond the little woods of oaks, there’s an ancient cemetery where the confederate dead are buried in their sackcloths/ six of us are buried in here, too/ civil war is just another vulture’s boots/ the cemetery itself is dead/ not unlike a darkened theatre, and…
That Boat Has Left the Dock
i bought a boat from old man hughes for five bucks/ it was really only worth three/ the boat leaks/ i can’t afford to fix it but who wants a boat anyway/ i do/ i take the boat out to the middle of the lake and sit there with a…
drinking with the dog
u sitting on the bed again/ explaining yourself 2 me/ u looking downcast/ u unable to meet my gaze/ and this secret life u live is supposed to be unknown 2me/ please/ i have known u since the age of the dinosaurs/ like i give a flying fuck/ but i…
like ships
there is just no possible fucking way that someone at some point is not going to feel left out/ i never did allow that to bother me/ something that pours from him, stealing moments we all are thieves, in a cataract of tenderness and cruelty upon some weak, plastic life…
you carried him
you have carried him on your back through oceans of your sweat for a long while, now/ we both knew it was only a matter of time/ the big old boogeyman, time/ before you’d push back/ hard/ that way you push back when you push back/ it is always a…
The Birthday Party
the birthday party became too loud/ you could not handle it/ the other guys were slightly astounded that you panicked/ birthdays in general can be a dark afternoon where everything is forgotten/ i can’t blame you/ the counterfeits of our second selves/ what’s wrong with him he’s freaking out at…
Grants, New Mexico
that day in san francisco you picked me up on the bike after work/ i still had a normal job back then/ editing a magazine/ the entire staff went quickly to the windows to see you, 2stare/ you had consciously chosen to not wear a shirt good for you/ tits…
smoke and mirrors
the smoke he makes is obvious/ the mirrors in his pocket are less than obvious/ there are people who think he’s a magician/ he does have his tricks, but they’re play for pay, and they usually fall for his i am so into you game of reflective, thin ceramic masks/…