Tim Barrus Blog
We Decide
Love this piece. Thanks, Hank. I respect your courage to write what is the forbidden city. The taboo around asking the question – IS IT WORTH IT – must still be asked even if (maybe especially if) jumping off jump off rock comes with how many vehicles of stigma…
My Lover, My Drug Dealer
The American health insurance companies are denying claims for any pain meds if you have HIV. Apparently HIV is not only harmless, it’s painless, too. Cigna is not who or what they say they are.
I am writing this on my phone, waiting for Gino to show up. He’s always…
The following gig was published at the New York Times and stayed up on their site for about three hours.
Tim Barrus NYT (re: Government Secrets & the Hackers Who Hack Them)
Secrets, and secrets, and secrets. I am sure that this fetish for secrets, and their dissemination is a…
Toilet PoetryBoy & His Writing Instrument
We can always hear him talking to his phone. If they had not created what we call poetry, Jarred would have invented it
First, he talks into the phone. Then, he writes the poem.
He usually rewrites that. All on the phone.
The toilet itself absorbs him.
He does the…
Sam the Man
Hitches rides in highway rest areas. Sometimes they’ll take you where you’re going. Sometimes they’ll take you to where they are going. Sometimes, you get thrown into a ditch.
CDC’s plan to confront HIV/AIDS is: Make More Stick Figures
I call these stupid stick figures, stupid stick figures.
This graphic is produced by the CDC.
The poster is aimed at people who are statistically vulnerable to a flu epidemic.
Erase flu.
Replace the word flu with the term HIV/AIDS.
What we need are more stick figures…
Utterly Useless CDC Posters
How is it, any of this collection of CDC posters taped to a toilet bathroom wall supposedly stops me in my tracks and compels me to change my entire life.
Get real.
The hard to reach get stick figures.
The CDC is removed from any of the lives I’ve lived.…
So. Like. This is IT.
I. Am. Living. In. A. Trailer.
What else is there.
Where are we (goes to window).
But where do we go from here.
You are here.
Fingers In My Mouth
your fingers in my mouth
the sun was lost
lions and despair
i am the embodiment
of dystopian worlds have
gone dark again
all gold and princes
fingers moving jazz
tell me, where is your brazen
to keep this work interrupted
at all costs jesus
fucking christ tomorrow