Tim Barrus Blog
You do not know me. You could never live my life. You would not survive it. I wanted to scratch one big window lined with clawmarks. I wanted him out. You can’t have him. He’s mine. The States are not safe. I don’t give a fuck what you believe. I… -
1.) TAKE NOTES. I do not normally respond to outrage or cultural disgust. Our constitution was written by an aristocracy that was mainly Educated In Cambridge. Those were the values they carried with them. Call it cultural whiplash. 2.) Most Americans only knew there was some kind document that the… -
Tim Barrus: Despair Is All That Is Left
Take notes. “Despair, however, is not an option in medicine.” Despair is the only option there is. What I do not understand is that health insurance is still unavailable. Money. Capitalism and health care is an uneasy relationship. Instead of kicking you out into the street, they are allowed to… -
Tim Barrus: New York Times
Take notes. I have no faith. Things are worsening fast. I got my kids to another country. I am hopeful we will have a civil war. Repeat: I am hopeful we will have a civil war. The problem is that – allow me to call them the Normals – it… -
Fire Cracker
Take notes. Truly great literature is written by outsiders—the unorthodox and the nonconformist. When their careers are destroyed before they begin, we all lose. Writers privately tell us that they are concerned about the inevitable literary pablum of the coming decade. It’s already here. I live in a village in… -
Tim Barrus: Book Art
Tim Barrus: New York Times Magazine
No one in publishing will talk about the writer blacklist. I’m shocked to my writer testicles. – Tim Barrus I have never taken a writing course. What is a writing course. Do they need the income from side gigs. Are you kidding me. I grow a lot of my own… -
Tim Barrus: NYT Magazine
Sometimes writing speaks. Sometimes writing unspeaks. Sometimes writing comes from truth. Sometimes writing comes from a symbolism of the nuanced truth. I do not care what you believe. I literally do not know that there is an audience. It feels like a very deep cold loneliness. Rooney doesn’t channel Sally… -
Tim Barrus: Journalists Elected Trump
Take notes. Harris is on the path to winning the presidency. It will be close. Mainly, it’s a battle cry. Journalists are bitter over the fact that they are not on anyone’s radar. Journalists are a problem. They think that anyone who they want to focus on has no agency… -
Tim Barrus: Rape in a Hospital
I was asked to testify before a senate committee dealing with HIV health issues and doctors. I took a walk. I do not trust homo sapiens sapiens one little bit. I’m autistic. There is nothing you can do to me that would bend me toward whatever it is you want.…