Tim Barrus Blog
You Will Never Understand
you were managing a mammoth, high impact portfolio mister big shot couldn’t shoot his cum unless he paid me to beat him up -
i really love it and it’s making me money
the report is all verbatim our exit interview sucked dick given the same weight we are all acrobats -
your pain what pain your pain
he denied he was in pain i ignored the fuck out of him i did eat his ass out though his life was an animal of stealth but i could always smell his desire long before he arrived -
memory departs at night sullenly he was radiant -
pretty pictures of you
the hunger for voyages was in his face https://tim-barrus.format.com/tim-barrus/238927-i-opened-my-eyes -
Making Sets
all i see are sets i might photograph/ it’s insidious/ sweating bullets i would photograph my own tongue/ i have no idea how it is people allow me to talk them into turning their spaces into sets so i can take photographs of we can’t be dragged into all of… -
visiting hours
they arrived when visiting hours were supposedly over of course they arrived when visiting hours were over everyone was supposed to leave the hospital so us inmates could all die alone like guards of the dark under our death sheets and our tongues of foam and our pushing the sky… -
I Used to Walk These Places
the air is always cool there, and sleep is what murmurs in the older oaks/ i am just another old man among all the old men who are seen as shadows and what we do is walk around/ i wonder what it is we look at slumped over like we’ve… -
Ports In Storms
Fresh off the truck, I did not want to know how Dane stole the Harley-Davidson Low Rider. Since HIV, Dane has had one killer disease after another. He has an infusion port built into his forearm. An implanted venous access port is a device used to give treatments and take… -
WeCanOnlyAffordAMotelRoomfor1. SneakingIn. AFewExtrasNoLoudMusicNoJumpingOnBeds. IAskU:AtTheEndOfAllYourMomentsAtTheEndOfAllYourSorrowsAtTheEndOfAllYourLives. WhoWillLoveYou. WhoWillFight. WhoWillLoveYou. YouSayNoOneLovesYou. ThenWhatTheFuckAmI.