Tim Barrus Blog
Tim Barrus, Mr. Daniels
Irene: Jack Daniels. Danny’s. 7pm
Tim Barrus, The Little Boxes
The whores can rent what we call one of the Little Boxes.
Tim Barrus, New York Times
People cling to their various definitions of what they think hope is. The word itself is a pornography. Deeply embedded in Homo sapien’s needy brain. It needs you to love him. It needs you to embrace him. It needs you to reason with him if it can be done. Mainly,…
Tim Barrus: Munching On Peyote
My friends live here, too. We’re a bit tired. Life is a hard bitch. No one around here calls it a mobile home.
Tim Barrus, New York Times
It is a white, upper middle class value that remembering is good for you. “We’re only trying to help you.”
Run. Run for your worthless life.
Tim Barrus, Malcolm X
I went to the same Junior High School as Malcolm X. The mind alone. He was not afraid to understand the evolutionary process Homo sapiens experience as change as they age through life. Often, a change of thinking. Malcolm changed his mind all the time. This is an assett. Not…
Tim Barrus: Friedrich Nietzsche
Nietzsche has been given a bad rap. Almost a disappearance which is tantamount to the academic omission of 1883. Perhaps he’s just to difficult for the normals to understand.
Tim Barrus, the New York Times
There is a need for this kind of supportive housing just about everywhere. Fighting back is a very long game. You do it with a life well-lived.
Tim Barrus: Follow the Signs
I have never followed the signs. I want to have a peyote party on the beach. First, you throw up, and then you meet all of your various gods.
Tim Barrus, New York Times
Where are the republican women. They’re celebrating. What did you think they were going to do.