Tim Barrus Blog

  1. Tim Barrus, Malcolm X

    I went to the same Junior High School as Malcolm X. The mind alone. He was not afraid to understand the evolutionary process Homo sapiens experience as change as they age through life. Often, a change of thinking. Malcolm changed his mind all the time. This is an assett. Not…

  2. Tim Barrus: Friedrich Nietzsche

    Nietzsche has been given a bad rap. Almost a disappearance which is tantamount to the academic omission of 1883. Perhaps he’s just to difficult for the normals to understand.

  3. Tim Barrus, the New York Times

    There is a need for this kind of supportive housing just about everywhere. Fighting back is a very long game. You do it with a life well-lived.

  4. Tim Barrus: Follow the Signs

    I have never followed the signs. I want to have a peyote party on the beach. First, you throw up, and then you meet all of your various gods.

  5. Tim Barrus, New York Times

    Where are the republican women. They’re celebrating. What did you think they were going to do.

  6. Tim Barrus: Sad Day For America

  7. Format Contact Page: Timothée Barrus

    You reach the financial brick wall hard. I did apologize. But, it was not sustained. These are the kids who scare adults. The outside world is hellbent on punishing these boys. For what. For being. And for being funneled into the marginal.

  8. Tim Barrus, Play With Light if You Can

    Single Lens Reflex Cameras are fine. For the people who want that. You can only make so many travel brochures, postcards, and Kardashion’s ass combined. GoPro is marketed as an action camera. But sports is not the only terrain a GoPro can be used. This is an underused (marketing has…

  9. Tim Barrus, New York Times

    Put an end to this war. Make Russia pay, and pay, and pay. If we know where Putin is. Pay. and pay, and pay. I think they know where Putin is.

  10. Tim Barrus, New York Times

    One insurance company wanted $2,000 a month for health insurance. I want doctors, medical workers, pharmacies, to stay away. Stay away.