Tim Barrus Blog
One night, she emailed the kids directly. The house was dark. Qiet. I wanted them to sleep. When they do not sleep, the next day, their bodies and brains literally torture them. I used to wonder why they were…
Tim Barrus, New York Times
The issue of hunger finally arrived in Appalachia. People cannot feed their children. The suicide rate has exploded as have the covid cases.
No one is joyful to come back home. Home is often a trailer in the woods, and no one left for the…
Tim Barrus, New York Times
New York Times gatekeepers don’t want you to read this. They’re supposed to be anonymous. Sorry. But I just can’t join the Satisfied With Ourselves Party. There’s hardly a voice you publish that takes a solid look at journalism and it’s conflicted relationship with comments. Let’s Have A Hug For…
Tim Barrus, New York Times
And then he caved.
There are many Americans who worship the great cult leader. They claim to know that he will live forever.
What does that mean. It means he will be shielded by his guards (and we will pay for it) for a very long time. I predict prison.…
GoingRogue: SexWork: BoyWhores
GoingRogue. We’ve been traveling on my bike town-to-town, and we’ve been busy as all hell. I take Andrew with me because he was once a major whore. He raked it in.
But drug dealing is more money.
Like I care. As if.
Andrew projects the tone of authenticity. He can…
Tim Barrus, New York Times
Going Rogue
We are the culture of greed, death, indifference, cruelty, mass incarceration, poverty, hunger, suspicion, hate, patriarchal monarchy disguised as democracy, and genocide.
Within the context of that evil, bête noire – exactly how is that any different from the cultural nightmare that was ancient Rome’s legacy to the…
Tim Barrus, New York Times
America loved him. Americans voted for him. America placed their lives in his hands. America saw him as worthy of their hope.
He failed. Us.
We have no history of ever taking responsibility for what ruinous public policies Stephen Miller has designed. Those designations were never Trump’s ideas alone just…
Going Rogue
We felt pretty safe hiding out at Samuel’s because Samuel, himself, was hiding out. ICE really wanted to bust my fat white ass.
At least, that’s what Samuel said.
I could never tell if Sam was holding all the brick walls up, or if the brick walls were supporting Sam.…
You Are A Fortess
You are a fortress. You have always been a fortress. A fortress of slaughter. Broken. Gone mad. Castles. Only to turn your back on us. This is how you want to be perceived.
I can buy some of it. But I have seen eyes like your eyes before the…
Going Rogue
Castrating Bulls
We stopped to ask if the rancher and his son would talk to us about why they were not wearing masks.
The rancher nodded, okay.
It can get uncomfortable. You have to nod and watch the eye contact (so as not to overwhelm) to get past the barriers.…