
You could watch screaming video on it.

You could vacuum between the stinking cracks of cum. You could have tea and crumpets. And serve from the sexcouch pussy-favored pussy. I have fucked Agnes on this couch every time she she arrived in Appalachia with the drugs. Then, we sell the drugs. Do I appear to be the Queen to you. That I have never received so much as a parking ticket takes a lot of work. Publishing is nothing. We drove the limo which was stuffed to its tits with drugs. I was not really (so lame) a drug dealer. I was a kinda drug dealer who is called a drug supplier to the tasteful. They were the drug dealers. Why. Because I like their money. A good whore needs money to remain moral and niceness. I am pathetic man. But I am a good drug supplier. Take your pick. I usually fucked Agnes in the ass after any particularly profitable deal. That old couch was worth something. Track marks.

An except from GOING ROGUE, a novel because it has to be.