Tim Barrus Blog

Posts tagged with drugs

  1. Sometimes You Just Need The Fucking Money Why Can’t People Just Say That You What

  2. SexCouch

    You could watch screaming video on it. You could vacuum between the stinking cracks of cum. You could have tea and crumpets. And serve from the sexcouch pussy-favored pussy. I have fucked Agnes on this couch every time she she arrived in Appalachia with the drugs. Then, we sell the


    When they fuck me in the back seat, my legs dangle over to the front seat. But if we put the top down, there’s enough hog-wild, holy-roller corncracker to flag a freight train. I declare to fucking Jesus. Those two make my little asshole pout. We jack the cars in…

  4. crystal

    rimming shit hole riding ponies idiosyncratic fixations shipwreck washed up to sands upon the fetish shore it’s a pony and he loves you cultural dust keeps flashing whispers that life is a neon miracle and all this being down is indulgence go buy a new car go buy designer underpants…

  5. woodstock

    some dark wood of terror/ my tongue inside your bitter hole ravenous and wasted beyond perilous attrition/ no one had been left alive/ we could roar the bike past all the parked cars lined up at the side of the road with their little radios and their little dancing on

  6. Aurelien Was a Whore

    That word again. Aurelien was a veteran of the whore wars. He wanted to be a sex work activist. He wanted us to decriminalize what he did, what I did, what everyone we knew, everyone we lived with, everyone in our drug-saturated bubble did. Sex work was and is mainly

  7. On Being Here

    i have never wanted to be here because i am above it all all all all daddy tried beating it the fuck out of me and i was literally at-risk of being murdered. he bashed my head through walls and came after me with broken liquor bottles but i could…

  8. Port of Call

    Public Health has failed us. People tell me all the time: TIM, IT’S NOT LIKE THAT ANYMORE. Supposedly, we are living in a medical Renaissance. What a wonderful time to be alive. Until the day it’s not. Public Health refuses to give him the drugs he needs to stay alive.…