In Your Mouth: Tim Barrus, New York Times

She puts it in his mouth. He puts it in her mouth. The proverbial wedding cake is a symbolism that goes back to the discovery of fire. There is nothing more profane than a wedding cake or a wedding. I don’t go to weddings. I might vomit. I do not eat cake. I blame the French. The neighbourhood bakery, or boulangerie is a staple in French everyday life. Many weddings have taken place in 14 Rue Monge. The birth rate in France is now the lowest it’s been since 1939. The French are very smart. Having babies is frowned upon. Put that into your mouth and smoke it.

Tim Barrus, New York Times


Bringing life into this world is an obscenity. Why bring another life into a place where – data scientists meet religion – where existence in the world these babies are born into is a degraded, violent, profane, hateful, abject prison without hope. Where inherent inequality keeps us worker slaves. Where the environment has been raped, where climate change is redefining how we are allowed to live and die. Where democracy has been castrated by the rich to the level of a rat who awaits the exterminator. Where we can be gunned down in the streets by cops and no questions asked. I have to be very careful here not to go too far in my description of the reality Homo sapien welcomes. Civility and less than civil. If I tell the truth, I am considered uncivil. If I pull back to the level of an inarticulate slug, I am considered civil. It becomes about what I tastefully do not say. The media waffles depending on who the gatekeepers are. The New York Times says: “Some women and couples will have fewer children than they hoped.” Not to mommy bash. There is a gender argument here behind closed doors. More mommies than daddies want kids. Ask men when mommy is not around if they want children. No names. Having more children is unethical, a crime. Life is not sacred. Life is not inviolable. Life is abhorrent poverty. A failed penal institution of punishment. Loathsome. Odious. Repugnant. Beneath contempt. “Some women and couples will have fewer children than they hoped.” Finally. Yes.