Tim Barrus, New York Times

About Poetry.

Ten reasons why religious poetry is religious poetry. By a poet. Who lives on a farm in Appalachia. 1.) I do not know what it is like to be a woman. I am not a woman. I do not want to be a woman. 2.) It is hard enough being a poet. 3.) Why do poets have to always be – some other job. I am a poet and a milker of cows. As a poet, I do not want to get up all that early in the morning. To milk the cows. I am a poet who writes poetry for cows in a barn. 4.) Why do poets have children. Are poets selfish. Are poets insane. Are poets attracted to sadomasochism. Do poets understand that they will now be writing less and less poetry. Do poets change diapers. 5.) Yes. But badly. 6.) Why religion. What is religion. What is faith. Religious people are intolerant. Why are religions intolerant (and kinda silly in the belief of myths), and why do poets write about religion. 7.) Do female poets realize that religion is the scourge of the planet. No. 8). Why do poets go to college to become accountants. literary agents, lawyers, and Fran Lebowitz. 9.) There is no such thing as a virgin birth. There is only birth. Why would a poet want to experience the pain, the abomination, the humiliation of giving birth. Isn’t there enough poet pain, poet narrative, teachers of poetry, poet abomination, poetic humiliation in the world. Why do men hardly ever feel compelled to read poetry about giving birth. It seems to be a one gender project. 10.) Why does a barn of cows appreciate my poetry. Silly me.