Tim Barrus Blog

  1. Tim Barrus: Voices in Dust. Things.

    Je sors aujourd’hui. Sorcière de la forêt insaisissable. Histoire des non oubliés. Nous sommes des millions.

  2. Tim Barrus: Family Dollar

  3. Tim Barrus: The Failure of Capitalism

    I am a communist. Capitalism is immoral. Capitalism exploits. Capitalism entrenches class and caste. An intolerant religion. It is the monstrosity upon whose bones rests the rusted rooms of pain. Capitalism demands probate. The homeless will arrive at your door, and we will ring the bell, and beg. We will

  4. tim barrus: and still counting times ten

    Everyone knew his mother was a whore and they just got by. The Shell station sells Taquitos hot from the roller grill. An orphan of the liquor store Big Cup Dixie Fried Apple Pi. They’d fry anything. In a Econo-Motor Speedway motel room. A portal to another time. Sour worms.…

  5. Tim Barrus: Moms and their Fucking Babies

    This is click bait. I don’t get click bait. I do not see a connection between click bait and jailbait I don’t get the whole Mom thing with babies. The last time I blogged anything about babies the attacking jets from the sky napalmed the city. Forget your baby, you…

  6. Tim Barrus: Everything Would Be the Same

    Capitalism will kill you (its life depends on it) and at the same time, capitalism cannot be reformed. The skeleton of what is left of Democracy, a few pieces of hanging  meat. Food for the dogs of history.  

  7. Tim Barrus: Believe it or not.

  8. Tim Barrus: Artists

  9. Tim Barrus: This Is How I See The NewsTheNews I Belong 2A ProtectedClass/Keeping a Journal As Classical News – 5th.

    It’s news. It’s art. It’s protected speech by a disabled writer speaking to other writers, only as one audience. It’s classical journalism. Which way is the political wind blowing out there today. The backdrop or in your face. This is the Great Machine that slides into war. Russia smells a…

  10. Tim Barrus: We Are Not All The Same

    I am a communist. I do not discuss autism because I do not understand what it is even if they say I have it. They say high functioning but I do not know what that means. We are not all alike. Autism is not the same for everyone who has