Tim Barrus Blog
Tim Barrus: The Broken Piano at the Bar
He performed and every time he did it, the people cried.
Tim Barrus: Why Are You Here
What kind of world did we want. Once. What kind of people did we want to become. What is the texture of Is There Beauty Here. One of the misconceptions people have is that the anwer is likely, no. I Never Asked To Be Here is prolific. There is no…
Tim Barrus: BangeeSting like a Dirty Girl.
ThenTheyRippedItUpAndThey, HadGuns. What neighborhood do you think you are in the homeless sleep in here but so many of them know art, but even after screening, so many of them were the homeless in a tent with small dead animals in your mouth aren’t we allowed to say the whole…
Tim Barrus: Americana
Tim Barrus: Repose
Tim Barrus: Voices in Dust. Things.
Je sors aujourd’hui. Sorcière de la forêt insaisissable. Histoire des non oubliés. Nous sommes des millions.
Tim Barrus: Family Dollar
Tim Barrus: The Failure of Capitalism
I am a communist. Capitalism is immoral. Capitalism exploits. Capitalism entrenches class and caste. An intolerant religion. It is the monstrosity upon whose bones rests the rusted rooms of pain. Capitalism demands probate. The homeless will arrive at your door, and we will ring the bell, and beg. We will…
tim barrus: and still counting times ten
Everyone knew his mother was a whore and they just got by. The Shell station sells Taquitos hot from the roller grill. An orphan of the liquor store Big Cup Dixie Fried Apple Pi. They’d fry anything. In a Econo-Motor Speedway motel room. A portal to another time. Sour worms.…
Tim Barrus: Moms and their Fucking Babies
This is click bait. I don’t get click bait. I do not see a connection between click bait and jailbait I don’t get the whole Mom thing with babies. The last time I blogged anything about babies the attacking jets from the sky napalmed the city. Forget your baby, you…