Tim Barrus Blog

  1. Driving Through a Dream: Post 1

    You don’t know me. I used to be a Smash Street Boy a few years ago. I left because I had an opportunity and a scholarship to attend a flight school. I have been back to Smash Street a few months now. I am helping Tim. Trig and I are…

  2. Tim Barrus, the New York Times: Falling

    http://www.nytimes.com/2019/02/25/well/live/falls-can-kill-you-heres-how-to-minimize-the-risk.html?comments#permid=30827580 Minimizing risk is significant. But the things you can do to accomplish that, are expensive and out of reach. Older people in this culture are not only expendable, but we live on less money. Sometimes, far less money. Renters do not get to tear up the carpeting and replace

  3. video: photograph the small moments

    I am teaching the boys to photograph the small moments. Darren shot Harrison’s dangling feet.  The big, dramatic photographic moments are a lot of the small ones accumulated and aggregated into what usually turns out to be an act. It takes a while to absorb the reality. ”Do you

  4. charybdis


  5. Video: Jaylen

    Slicker than the guy with the thing on his eye, OWW!!!!

  6. the fate of wishes


  7. causing thunder

    you spilling the tyranny of this contentious storm punished gave all flesh and shamed sparks the little fires causing thunder in the house https://tim-barrus.format.com/orbitlogue

  8. napping quietly


  9. No Lycra


  10. Siler City

    There is NO WAY you are ever going to convince me to go back to that snakepit town. The Shit Hole South. I don’t CARE if you are from there. Poor you. You couldn’t pay me to return to Siler City. Oh, my fucking god in hell. ICE alone is…