Tim Barrus: NY Times

It is known that HIV causes inflammation. I do not know of a single effective medical treatment. We are left to wonder.

The notion of “living with cancer” seems to correlate with “living with HIV.” Or both.

The HIV meds do not seem to affect inflammation. Anecdotally, people living with HIV describe life as if a great burden was weighing down on them. HIV, like cancer, comes with a great many other problems like increased chances of heart disease. We seem to be the culture of Disease itself.

The paradigms of exercise embedded into one’s survival is recommended with ubiquitous certainty but the fact remains is that no one really knows. Everything is transient and that includes life.

I would argue that this is where the quality of life begins as a struggle to grapple with. Doctors don’t seem to understand the concept. We are supposed to carry on when, in reality versus the medical rabbit hole, we are often drawn to the weight-bearing end of ending it. Heresy.

We are scolded to live for other people. Sometimes bone death, avascular necrosis, pops up with HIV. Especially with people who have used heavy doses of prednisone. The pain is breathtaking. Neither medicare or medicaid will pay for treatment of replacements. In fact, the government has removed pain medication as a viable option. Very sick people might become addicted.

How do you exercise vigorously when your bones are dying inside of you.

You don’t. You sit there simply waiting for the end to come, and it will.
