Tim Barrus Blog

  1. Zoned Out: The Getting Out of Dodge Poems

    i never felt anything while they were fucking me/ i zoned out to places you have never seen/

  2. You Through The Apple Thicket

    your suitcase of secrets hasn’t held any secrets for a long, long time, now has it/// i know you through the memory of my tongue your hole of incendiary drowning and wanton mammon you to the gallows/ your mouth the choir invisible a surveillance this getting out of dodge has

  3. The Getting Out Of Dodge Poems

    i have traveled like the snail resolved in a spur of the moment arriving and departing and habitual he returns again i travel slowly and stop a lot the light through a wilderness of angry sparks flying up as they appeal to stars to save them but nothing can i

  4. U R

    u r not some shallow dumpster dive u r not trash u r not what mom and dad tell u what u might b u r not grace u r not above it all u r not stupid u r not some teacher’s prejudice u r not always strong u

  5. sleeping on the floor

    there is a cement brick embedded in my back we often sleep in empty rooms where we have slept before the sunlight slipping in like dust is an old story to the likes of us no furniture no computers just our phones no future no dreams no relief from sleeping

  6. I’m Washing My Hair That Night

    If there was a way to skateboard in a flood, we would find it. Business as usual. Intervention Is. Sometimes impossible. I have learned the hard way that you cannot impose interventions on adolescent boys twenty-four hours a day. It’s not my fault. I didn’t raise them. I am merely

  7. Ukranian Boys and Russian Soldiers

    Dans leur guerre contre l’Ukraine, les soldats russes posant comme touristes ont utilisé la Армянск route 2 Преображенка pour se rendre à Одесская область. Une fois à Odessa, ils ont été vus dans la rue Derybasivska (très fréquentée) où ils ont offert de payer la hryvnia aux garçons, puis de

  8. The House of Sucking Cock

    Get Real. The Building is abandoned and condemned. Every trick between Bangor and San Francisco knows where to find it, and find it, they do. Thirteen teenage boys turn tricks there. These are not outcalls because the boys are home. To say that sex work itself can be dangerous is

  9. We were gifted hot dogs.

    Yesterday, we were gifted hot dogs. It keeps us out of the grocery store dumpsters. They caught us in the dumpster, and got quite pissed off. Another grocery in Asheville, same story. The boys make too much noise pawing around in dumpsters. In Asheville, they gave us grape drink (there…

  10. No. We’re not.

    No. We’re not.