Tim Barrus Blog
Another Night of Whores
the fuckbucket slinks around
the block not unlike the tongues
of midnight in ten thousand
of them creep along the sidewalks,
if only i could steal myself free
of some trick’s eating of
my ass i would do it like a
tyrant’s vein
so blue in temperament all
Tim Barrus: New York Times
I work with adolescent boys who live with HIV. AIDS is not over. Either are the cascade of drugs that come at them like an oblivion they fight in fear. They never sleep. Pacing back and forth at night in the creeping feed of a desolation while…
Joel, We R With U
Hang in there with me, Joel. We got this.
Tim Barrus: The New York Times
Tim Barrus: The New York Times
The state is correct in its regulation in cosmetology. It’s an intimate kind of thing, touching. It’s about public health.
Cosmetologists are trained to recognize disease. And then, make appropriate referrals. A barber who once cut my hair, cut my scalp. It took a…
Tim Barrus: New York Times PICK
CBD works for me.
Undoubtably conservatives will ruin everything just like they always do.
Get it while you can.
It’s not about pleasure.
It’s about pain.
Conservatives insist we be in pain.
I have Avascular Necrosis. Without CBD, I cannot move. Yesterday, I took a walk around the house. I…
Ships Swift As Thoughts
AIDS Dementia Will Kill You
We did not find him hanging in a tree. Dead. We found him hanging in a tree. Alive.
Hey, little bird, fly away home, your house is on fire, and you children will burn.
Timing is everything.
Last night was Christmas eve. We could not find Joel.
We never call…
Tim Barrus: New York Times
My health insurance company refuses to pay for medications that help relieve pain. They are indifferent. Not paying for pain meds will kill me and I have to come to terms with it. There is nothing about medicine that is kind. The local hospital regards me as a troublemaker and…
The White House Has a Rubber Room
I teach boys at-risk. Many are clinically depressed, clinically emotionally disturbed, and clinically inclined to embrace an ultimate chaos that upends not just classrooms, but any school they choose to focus on.
Some are serial sexual predators.
Like Trump, watching institutions collapse is something they can do in their sleep. …
Tim Barrus: NYT
He is a traitor.
Usually, there’s just an end. The old government bows out gracefully, and the new government leans in.
Not this time.
Impeachment is for us.
Not him.
He does not choose to tolerate anything, let alone a government, that is not about him.…