Tim Barrus Blog

  1. Collin Lost Again

    Collin Lost Again – tim barrus

  2. Down Deeper

    It got a bit scary.  – tim barrus

  3. Poetess

    Tim Barrus The Poetess

  4. Dirt Bike Town

    Dirt Bike Town is the Great American Novel. The photograph represents a scene from this current book project. It begins in a cave. There are many species that live in caves. Many homo sapiens are claustrophobic. In Dirt Bike Town, the cave has kept the ruins of the archives safe…

  5. A Chill in Publishingland

    https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/27/opinion/publishing-literary-antisemitism.html As Published in the NewYork Times, May 27, 2024 A Chill Has Fallen Over Jews in Publishing James Kirchick is right. Publishing finds itself between a rock and a hard place. Publishing books hasn’t been a place led by the same old, same old, fat white men for a


    Bad Autistic Tim Barrus

  7. I Do Not Try Anymore 2B like Them

    Bad Autistic Tim Barrus

  8. Blue Ridge Baby

    Blue Ridge Baby a novel by Tim Barrus

  9. Bad Autistic

    Bad Autistic on Bike tim barrus

  10. Art Museum Living

    Tim Barrus: Bad Autistic