Tim Barrus: I Grow My Own Food

I grow the food I eat. I linger over trout I caught that day. I can peaches, tomatoes, cucumbers, whatever grows as food around here. Bushel baskets of apples. Apple butter, goat milk, goat cheese, duck eggs, herbs, corn, potatoes, sweet potatoes, melons, pumpkins, black walnut bread, peach jam and wild black honey. I do not make hootch from the best corn you could hope to find. All of this, and not one solitary grain of salt. A peach tastes like a peach. An apple tastes like an apple. How absolutely radical is that. Have an apple. There, you’re a radical. Blueberries. Strawberries. Raspberries. Onions. Green peppers. I have to fence in the lettuce. I haul my water from a creek. It’s cleaner than the water you drink. The tomatoes are the size of melons. I understand that not many people want to haul their water from a creek. Not everyone would like fresh goat milk as in right from the goat. It’s warm. Not chilled. Get over it. Fresh yogurt. Go hoe up horse manure into soil bursting with carrots, celery, mushrooms, parsley, chives. I cannot believe what urban folks put inside themselves. Why not just mix yourselves a big bowl of sugar, a cup or two of salt, cow fat, caffeine, and vinegar (or beer). Breakfast, lunch, and dinner. All in one. Easy even if it kills you. Americans would starve to death. What is plantain, and how does it replace lettuce. Do bees sting. We go for elemental. We are just coming out of a drought. Rain (not people) brings me hope. No trespassing.